- For example, rice is a staple crop in much of Asia. 例如,在亚洲大米是原料农作物。
- Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people around the globe. 小麦是全世界上千万的人口的主要粮食。
- Tea is the staple crop here. 本地产品以茶叶为大宗。
- Lisa: I'd guess it was taro. That used to be the staple crop of the islanders. 莉莎:我想是芋头吧。那以前是岛民的主要作物。
- For example, rice is a staple crop in much of Asia.An Eastern European staple is the potato.The lentil is just such a crop for many South Asians. 比如,大米是亚洲大部分地区的主要农作物,东欧的基本食品是土豆,而扁豆正是很多南亚人的主要农作物。
- The rise of rice rustling, along with prices Ian MacKinnon Asian countries are curbing exports of a staple crop to avoid shortfalls at home. 米价上涨,“稻贼”出动亚洲国家都在控制大米这种主要粮食的出口,以免出现自身的短缺。
- One or two staple crops are the chief sources of food intake. 一、两种主要农作物是人们食物的主要来源。
- Staple crops provide foods that are an important part of the diet. 大量农作物提供的食品是饮食中很重要的一部分。
- The staple crop is rice. 主要农作物为水稻。
- Cotton is the staple crop here. 本地出产以棉花为大宗。
- It became a staple crop during the Japanese occupation from 1910 to 1945, replacing rice exported to Japan, and saved many farm families from starvation during the Second World War. 在1910-1945年日本占领期间它成为一种主粮,替代了出口日本的大米,将众多家庭从饥饿中解救出来。
- Plantations in Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas grow staple crops of tobacco, rice and indigo. 马里兰、弗吉尼亚和卡罗来纳的种植园盛产烟草、大米和靛蓝类染料。
- But by the end of 1920, with the abrupt cessation of wartime demand, the commercial agriculture of staple crops fell into a sharp decline. 但到了1920年末,战时的需求突然终止,生产主要作物的商业性农业遂一蹶不振。
- But now, governments are investing in staple crops in a protectionist impulse to circumvent world markets. 但是眼下,各国政府之所以投资主食作物却是出于以期绕开世界市场的保护主义冲动。
- The cuisine of Gansu is based on the staple crops grown there: wheat, barley, millet, beans, and sweet potatoes. 甘肃省的饮食以当地的主要农作物为基本材料:小麦、大麦、小米、豆子及甘薯。
- Those that have done best are now moving away from staple crops to higher-value things such as flowers and fruit. 那些表现优异的农场如今都正从种植主要农作物向诸如花卉和水果等高价值作物转移。
- China has set up 11 research stations in Africa to boost yields of staple crops. 中国已经在非洲建立了11个研究站来提高主要农作物的产量。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。
- We have had the biggest wheat crop ever this year. 今年我们的小麦收获量是有史以来最好的。