- She lifted a stone only todrop it on her own feet. 她搬起石头砸自己的脚。
- stand on her own feet vi. 独立(自主;自立)
- He earns enough to stand on his own feet. 他赚的钱足以自立。
- stood on her own feet v. 独立(自主;自立)
- We should learn to stand on our own feet. 我们要学习依靠自己。
- I am a human being. I can stand on my own feet. 我是人,我能自立。
- You should stand on your own feet. 你应该站在自己的脚上。实意:你应该独立。
- He tried to stand on his own feet. 他试着用自己的脚站立; 他想自立。
- She's leaving the company to branch out on her own. 她打算脱离这家公司,自己开业。
- He can't yet stand on his own feet. 他尚不能自立。
- She wasn't any (the) less happy for being on her own. 她并不因独自一人而稍有不悦。
- This expressed their determination to stand on their own feet. 这表达了他们自立更生的决心。
- Although her father is in the firm she got the job on her own. 尽管她父亲在公司里,但她那份工作却是靠自己得到的。
- You should learn to stand on your own feet from now on. 从现在起,你应该学着自立了。
- The man standing on her right is her brother. 站在她右边的那个人是她兄弟。
- They had brought up their sons to stand on their own feet. 他们培养儿子生活自立。
- And indeed, our daughter was then able to stand up on her own. 果然孩子能起来了,我们真不敢相信这一切是真的。
- She had informed on her own parents for years. 他告发了自己的亲生父母。
- The actress can stand on her head for five minutes. 这个女演员能倒立五分钟。
- She decided to go ahead on her own. 她决定依靠自己的力量干下去。