- There will not be enough space even to stand in on the earth. 就是在地球上站着,也不会有足够的地方了。
- stand in ones light adj. 挡人光线(妨碍别人)
- This chapter delves the nature of fear in relation to the loss of information required to stand in ones' truth and power as an ascending human. 本章深入研究了造成一个提升人类要站立在自身真相与力量中所必须的信息被丢失所相关的恐惧本质。
- The undercarriage on light aircraft does not always retract in flight. 轻型飞机飞行时起落架不一定缩回。
- The taxpayer do not have locus stand in this court. 该纳税人没有在法庭上的陈述权。
- I can't read while you are standing in my light. 你挡住了我的光线,我没法看书。
- Mrs Simpson comes in on weekdays to do for us. 辛普森夫人周日替我们料理家务。
- He said he would stand in for me any time. 他说他随时都愿意来代替我。
- Can you fill me in on what has been happening? 你能把发生的事情原原本本地告诉我吗?
- The audience chimed in on the chorus. 听众开始跟合唱队一起唱起来。
- The Government put the accent on light industry. 政府注重轻工业。
- Taxis stand in a taxi rank waiting to be hired. 出租汽车排成一行等人雇车。
- Let's cash in on the fine weather and go out. 我们趁天气好出去玩玩吧。
- My assistant will stand in for me while I'm away. 我不在的时候我的助手将代表我处理事务。
- The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标。
- Are you going to let them in on the plans? 你是否打算让他们知道这些计划?
- The teacher told the children to stand in a row. 老师叫孩子们站成一排。
- I was in on what you were doing at that time. 我已知道你那时所干的事。
- Let's stand in the light, not in the shadow. 让我们站在光中,不在影子里。
- She looked in on us [at our office]once in a while. 每隔些时候,她都到我们这儿[办公室]来一趟。