- stand upon one's pantofles 高高在上;摆架子
- One can't stand upon ceremony with fellows like that. 不能和这种人客气。
- Please don't stand upon ceremony. 请不要拘礼。
- The neighboring nations warred upon one another for over a decade. 这几个邻国互相打了十多年仗。
- He is a man of small moral stature who always tries to stand upon his dignity. 他是个偏狭小人,老是计较体面。
- Our thoughts centre upon one idea. 我们的思想集中在一个主意上。
- I weep for joy to stand upon my kingdom once again. 重新站在我的王国的土地上,我激动得流泪了。
- Farm upon one's own land farmhand n. 庄稼人,种地的人;雇农;农场工人。
- I believe they fall upon one another blindly. 我认为他们瞎了眼似地一个跌倒在另一个身上。
- You might also be dependent upon one vendor. 这还可能取决于供应商。
- Old age creeps upon one unawares. 不知不觉老年就来临了。
- There are also nations warring upon one another. 也有彼此作战的国家。
- Danger and delight grow both upon one stalk. 危险和快乐生长在同一棵树上。
- You might as well go stand upon the beach and argue with the sea. 你到不如站在海滩上跟大海讲理。
- stand upon one's dignity v. 保持尊严
- stand upon one's guard 提防;警惕;警戒
- stand upon one's pantables 高高在上;摆架子
- The witness was asked to elaborate upon one of his statements . 证人被要求对其陈述的某一点作详尽说明。
- Every case stands upon its own bottom. 事出有因。
- Yesterday I tumbled upon one of my old friends in the street. 昨天我在街上无意中碰到了一位老朋友。