- stabilizing spoiler 稳定襟翼
- This page contains possible spoiler information! 本页可能包含剧情泄漏信息!
- Tobias: What do you think about spoiler? 你怎么认为剧透的?
- These are the key factors for stabilizing the army. 这是巩固部队的重要因素。
- The family is a stabilizing element in society. 家庭是社会的一个稳定因素。
- Acetal tubular load stabilizing frame. 令负重更为稳定。
- Borrower of book-those mutilator of collections, spoiler of the symmetry of shelves, and creator of odd volume. 借书者--是为珍藏本的破坏者、书本排列次序的捣乱者、零星残书的创造者。
- Stabilizing fins. The blade is extremely deadly. 能够笔直地飞向敌人。刀刃部份能够造成非常致命的伤害。
- Stabilizing the MDAC’s analog signal is critical. 稳定MDAC的模拟信号是关键。
- The spoiler on your car looks like it was made by Boeing. 你的扰流器看起来像是波音的产品。
- Turret-mounted on the rear spoiler is a blaster cannon. 后方扰流器上方竖立了一门雷射炮。
- A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler. 这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。
- Airflow behind the vehicle is managed by a low drag roof spoiler. 后面的车辆气流是由一个低拖顶扰流.
- For others, grief is more like a nagging presence, a spoiler. 至于其他人,他们的忧伤只不过是一些令人烦恼和扫兴的事。
- This of course carries a bigtime spoiler alert so you been warned. 而这就给本专栏(spoileralert)提供了一个绝好的机会,所以你可要注重啦。
- The rear features a diffuser and a stationary spoiler. 后方配备了扰流和固定扰流。
- Cleaning and stabilizing treatment of aluminum foil. 铝电解电容器阴极箔的后处理和稳定化处理。
- In most critical areas China has been a stabilizing force. 在大部分动乱地区,中国一直是一种稳定力量。
- The addition of tin oxide has a stabilizing effect on the colour. 添加氧化锡能增加颜色的稳定性。
- As stabilizing agent,BHT and TBHQ were very commonly used. BHT和TBHQ是最为常用的煎炸油抗氧化剂。