- spurge laurel ph. [植]桂叶芫花
- Laurel was a perfect girl in every way. 从各方面讲,罗拉都是一个完美的女孩。
- He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath. 他得摆好戴著月桂花冠的姿势。
- Crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor. 戴桂冠的戴以月桂冠或饰以月挂作为荣誉标志的
- The display was wreathed in/with laurel. 展品周围环绕着月桂树叶.
- The winner received a laurel crown. 胜利者获得一桂冠。
- I've seen lots of Laurel and Hardy films. 我看过很多劳莱和哈代拍的电影。
- A laurel branch is on the left side of the torch. 在火炬的左侧是月桂树枝。
- Laurel Holloman: If my schedule permits, yes. 如果我的日程表允许的话,我会去的。
- Made of laurel sprigs, as a wreath or crown. 由月桂枝条制成的,如环或冠
- Riding back hometown with laurel around. 骑马荣归故乡。
- Lost Films Of Laurel And Hardy Vol. 劳雷尔和哈迪系列卷。
- It is used to adhere spurge, cloth, EVA , leather, imitation lea... 用于离型纸上不干胶复合布类、海绵、人造毛皮等。
- Crowned or deckedwith laurel as a mark of honor. 戴桂冠的戴以月桂冠或饰以月挂作为荣誉标志的。
- He turned Daphne into a laurel tree. 她的父亲把达芙妮变成了月桂树。
- He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath. 他身穿罗马人的褶叠短裙,头戴桂冠。
- Oil of Laurel &Blue Cypress are natural fragrance. 月桂和蓝柏木是天然的香水。
- Her marble brow seemed to be made for the laurel! 她那大理石的额头似乎为桂冠而生!
- I must pluck the laurel this time. 我太珍惜这个机会啦。
- He had to pose wearing laurel wreath. 他得摆好戴著月桂花冠的姿势.