- spill their guts vi. 把自己知道的一切原原本本地说出来(告密)
- All of them were eager to spill their enemy's blood. 他们全都急于杀敌。
- Everyone has a vast community of microbes in their guts. 每个人的体内都有着很庞大的微生物的团体。
- Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, 'til it rains down from the skies. 康纳:每一天,我们都要让他们血花飞溅,直至漫天血雨。
- Most of the villagers rushed into battle,eager to spill their enemies'blood. 多数村民投入战斗,急于杀敌。
- Connor: Each day we will spill their blood, ’til it rains down from the skies. 康纳:每一天,我们都要让他们血花飞溅,直至漫天血雨。
- The findings do, however, emphasise how profound the relationship is between people and their gut bacteria. 而这个发现实际上更深入地解读了人类与其肠道寄生菌的关系。
- For instance, cave fish lose their eyes, while parasites like tapeworms lose their guts. 穴居的鱼儿失去了眼睛,而寄生虫类如绦虫则没有了内脏。
- Videos of the bloody battles in space, the Marines spraying their guts all over the walls of the bugger ships. 当飞船在夜空中灵巧击毁对方时,只是变成一团明亮的光。
- Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora. 婴儿在经过产道并充分“摄取”富含细菌基因的母体阴道分泌物和粪便菌落之后,细菌便开始进入胃肠道。
- It was their gut feeling that Mr. Heath, for all his many qualities, was a born loser. 他们深切地感到,尽管希思先生有许多优良品质,他却天生是个失败者。
- "Grainfields spill their color across the badlands of the Missouri Breaks, a lonesome swatch of eastern Montana where the Great Plains roll to an abrupt and wild end. 绿油油的粮田把它们的色彩洒过密苏里大峡谷的荒地。大峡谷是蒙大拿州东部一块孤寂的土地,大草原一直延伸到陡峭的和荒野的尽头。
- This study supported the h ypothesis that plateau zokor kept their gut capacity stable in the natural envir onment. 本研究支持关于高原鼢鼠在自然条件下其消化道维持相对稳定的假设。
- The heliotrope pushes its red and white head between the flagstones of the forum, red geraniums spill their blood over what were houses, temples, and public squares. 天芥菜把它红白相间的小脑袋挤进集会场的石板缝里,红色的天竺葵把它们的鲜血洒在曾经的房屋、庙宇和广场上。
- In the past, researchers had uncovered evidence of what past species ate based on the fossilized contents of their guts or droppings. 在过去,研究人员基于动物食物或残留的化石内容来揭示过去物种的食物来源。
- On the land, insects like termites have tame bacteria living in their gut to digest wood, and slime moulds can engulf bacteria whole. 在陆地上,昆虫,如白蚁,利用寄生于其内脏的细菌消化木头,而粘液霉则可以吞噬整个细菌。
- Babies acquire their gut flora as they pass down the birth canal[5] and take a gene-filled gulp of their mother's vaginal and faecal flora. 婴儿在经过产道并充分“摄取”富含细菌基因的母体阴道分泌物和粪便菌落之后,细菌便开始进入胃肠道。
- If you don't use it, you tend to lose it. Evolution often takes away rather than adding. For instance, cave fish lose their eyes, while parasites like tapeworms lose their guts. 如果你不利用,你将会失去它。演化经常带走一些功能而不是给予。穴居的鱼儿失去了眼睛,而寄生虫类如绦虫则没有了内脏。
- Birds were spilling their song over the quiet woods. 寂静的林子里到处是鸟儿的歌声。
- The newspaper said the gang drove their minibus up behind elderly or mentally-ill victims, grabbed them and then either strangled them or poisoned them.It was considered bad luck to spill their blood. 苹果日报称,该团伙驾驶小型巴士尾随年长者或有智力障碍的受害人强行掳人之后,勒死或毒死他们,因为溅血被认为是不吉利的。