- Will be careful not to spill my guts, blabbing about every second he spent with us. 从今以后,我将会认真的,绝不胡说他与我们共处的每一秒。
- I am not spilling my guts outto some hack magazine writer. 我才不会把自己的隐私透露给。什么白痴专栏作家呢。
- spill my guts vi. 把自己知道的一切原原本本地说出来(告密)
- I'm not going to slog my guts out for only $10 a day. 我不会为一天十美元去卖命的。
- I'm not going to work my guts out for only $10 a day. 我不会为一天十美元去卖命的。
- I'm not going to sweat my guts out for only $10 a day. 我不会为一天十美元去卖命的。
- I slogged my guts out for those exams. 我为了这些考试命都豁出去了。
- My gut reaction to her wasn't good. 我对她的第一印象不好。
- My gut ached and the skin on my belly burned. 我的肚子很疼,肚子那块皮肤也在发烫。
- I slog my guts out and get paid only a hundred pounds a week. 我工作非常努力,但每星期只有100英镑的报酬。
- Run your claw along my gut one last time. 最后一次划破我的心田。
- When the turbulence start, my neighbor jog my arm and make me spill my drink. 当颠簸开始时,我的邻座碰了一下我的胳膊,把我的饮料碰洒了。
- I'm not going to sweat my guts out for the miserable pay. 我才不会为这么一点可怜的工资拼命干呢。
- When the turbulence start,my neighbor jog my arm and make me spill my drink. 当颠簸开始时,我的邻座碰了一下我的胳膊,把我的饮料碰洒了。
- Why should I sweat my guts out for twelve pounds a week? 我有必要为每周12英镑去拼命干吗?
- I am not going to sweat my guts out for only $10 a day. 我不会为一天十美元去卖命的。
- I'm not going to sweat my guts out for twelve pounds a week. 我不想为每周12英镑的工钱拼死拼活地干。
- When the turbulence started, my neighbor jogged my arm and made me spill my drink. 当颠簸开始时,我的邻座碰了一下我的胳膊,把我的饮料碰洒了。
- I am not going to sweat my guts out for only$10 a day. 我不会为一天十美元去卖命的。
- Normally,I sweated my guts out on a milling--machine with the rest. 通常,我都是和其他人一道操作碾碎机。