- To have as one's territory or sphere of work. 范围,领域在某人的工作范围或工作领域内
- The gas escapes from the sphere of the reaction. 气体产物从反应体系中逸出。
- Death is simply a continuation of consciousness. 死亡只不过是意识的延续。
- Within one's sphere of accountability. 职责在某人的责任范围之内
- He hovered on the edge of consciousness. 他似醒非醒。
- We have lots to do in the sphere of production. 我们在生产方面有许多事要做。
- Suffering is the sole origin of consciousness. 痛感时意识唯一起源。
- A sphere of ecclesiastical authority. 管辖教会权力的范围
- Faith of consciousness is freedom. 有意识的信仰是自由的;
- Her sphere of interests is very limited. 她的爱好很有限.
- A sphere of power or dominion;an empire. 主权权力或主权的地区;帝国
- What is the Biological Basis of Consciousness? 生命科学领域人类意识的生理基础是什么?
- Her sphere of interests.is very limited. 她的爱好很有限.
- What then is in the centre of consciousness? 那意识中心余下什么?
- A sphere of power or dominion; an empire. 主权权力或主权的地区;帝国
- Such is the golden alchemy of consciousness. 这个就是意识的黄金炼金术。
- He has extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking. 他已把自己的势力范围扩展到金融界。
- She was lapsing in and out of consciousness. 她处于时醒时迷的阶段。
- His sphere of influence extended around the globe. 他的势力范围延伸至全球。