- Extract cartwheel wheel set the high speed type import axletree,then the machine could be more handy. 整机具有结构合理、操作简便、线型整洁、涂敷均匀,玻璃珠撒播器均匀等特点。
- As the belt conveyor trending to the large-scale and high speed type,the dynamic design of the belt conveyor appears prominently. 随着带式输送机向着大型化、高速度方向的发展,动态问题显得更加突出。
- This paper has introduced the development of Fosbury techniques from range type, speed type, speed-range type to speed-strength type. 摘要背越式跳高技术由幅度型、速度型、速度-幅度型向速度-力量型发展。
- Dynamic extrusion experiments for polymer melts were done on the invariable speed type capillary dynamic rheometer (ISTCDR) made by the author. 在自行设计的恒速型毛细管动态流变装置上,对聚合物熔体进行动态挤出实验。
- The high speed extrusion behaviors of several polyolefine melts were investigated by a double capillary rheometer of constant speed type. 阐述了抗静电剂的种类、作用机理和选用原则,以及抗静电剂在聚烯烃中的应用和国内最近的研究进展。
- Armour: Press her left breast, she makes a record, press her right breast, she with minutely 185 abecedarian speed types. 甲:按一下她的左****,她就做记录,按一下她的右****,她就以每分钟185个字母的速度打字。
- super speed type intensifying screen 超速增感屏
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- That's all there is to make a speed dial call. 在那里全部要进行快速拨号呼叫。
- The great virtue of air travel is speed. 乘飞机旅行的最大优点是速度快。
- He drove the car at full speed through the town. 他驾驶汽车全速穿过那座城镇。
- The car rushed at the bridge at astonishing speed. 汽车以惊人的速度向桥冲过去。
- The motorcycles were spinning along at full speed. 摩托车正全速疾驰。
- What's the speed limit on the motorway? 高速公路的速度限制是多少?
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 这架飞机的速度非常快。
- The new model delivers speed and fuel economy. 这种新型设计能提高速度、 节约燃料。
- He was had up for exceeding the speed limit. 他因超速行驶而遭控告。
- The hurricane has a speed of 73 miles per hour. 飓风每小时73英里。
- The speed of a runaway horse count for nothing. 脱缰之马的速度毫无价值。
- "More haste, less speed", as the saying goes. 常言道,“欲速则不达”。