- specific water retention 保留比,单位持水量
- The swelling is due to water retention. 肿胀是由于水滞留所致。
- He is always worried about water retention. 他总是担心自己体内的水分潴留。
- Moderate depth is recommended for water retention purposes. 中度水深度推荐。
- A check of urine specific gravity at the time of admission of an acute asthmatic will invariably show a state of severe water retention with high urinary specific gravity. 此时检查急性气喘病患者的尿比重,将发现他们都处于水潴留与尿比重高的状态。
- Spatial variability of soil water retention curves on a forested hill-slope. 森林流域坡面林地土壤水分运动特征参数空间异质性研究。
- Analysis on water retention of 8 xerophyte shrubs including Ceratoides spp. 驼绒藜等8种耐旱灌木持水力分析。
- I sometimes seem to gain about 10 pounds during the day. Is it water retention? 在白天,有时我似乎增加了10磅的体重。是不是因为含有更多的水?
- Besides contributing to water retention, sodium can raise your blood pressure. 除了有助于保持水分外,钠可提高你的血压。
- Possible Uses: Cellulitis, dull skin, toxin build-up, water retention. 香味:柑橘香味;柚子果皮香味.
- Water retention by horticultural perlite is not an indiscriminate action. 保水的园艺珍珠岩不是不分青红皂白的行动。
- It has better effect to use with “nitramine purifier” and “specific water purifier”. 本品与“硝氨净”或“特效净水宝”配合使用则效果更佳。
- Insert a 5 micron sediment filter or a water softenercartridge to address your specific water problem. 插入一个5微米的沉淀物过滤器或是软水滤心来处理水的问题。
- The effect of additive is investgated by measuring solution loss, foam multiple, the quotiety of water retention, and the causation also are discussed. 通过测量发泡剂携液量、发泡倍数、保水系数的变化规律表征外加剂对发泡剂泡沫性能的影响,并对产生影响的原因进行了解释。
- Aiming at the characteristic of the specific water quality,the silicon series prescription of water stabilizer has been chosen. 针对具体水质特点筛选出的硅系配方水稳剂
- Research on relationship between crop drought and soil water retention and supply characters in hilly red clayey soil. 低丘红壤作物易旱与土壤持水供水特性的关系。
- Effective sequestering of metal ions, resulting in better water retention even though used in hard water processing. 对于金属离子有着良好的掩蔽作用,即使用硬水加工生产,也能产生较好的保水效果。
- The cell is used to investigate the immobilization kinetics and the water retention of paper coatings. 该元件用于研究纸张涂料的固定动力学和保水能力。
- Possible Uses: Dull skin, exhaustion, gout, psoriasis, toxin build-up, water retention. 功用:皮肤黯淡;消除疲劳;痛风;牛皮癣;抵抗毒素;保湿.
- Title: Analysis on water retention of 8 xerophyte shrubs including Ceratoides spp. 关键词:驼绒藜;持水力;旱生植物;灌木