- Professor Smith served as special adviser to the President. 史密斯教授曾做过总统的特别顾问。
- Dr.Dennis Carroll, a special adviser on pandemics with the U.S. 丹尼斯.;卡罗尔医生在美国国际开发署担任流行病问题特别顾问一职。
- He is also a special adviser to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, University of Wales at Swansea. 他还在位于斯旺西的威尔士大学任国际海运和贸易法学院的专门顾问。
- A Special Adviser to the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, University of Wales at Swansea. 位于斯旺西的威尔士大学任国际海运和贸易法学院的专门顾问。
- His contact is the highly influential Bernard Lacombe, special adviser to Lyon chairman Jean-Michel Aulas. 切尔西准备了一份周薪12万磅的巨额合同给队中头号前锋迪迪安.;德罗巴,防止里昂挖墙脚。
- Noted economist and special adviser to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences recently expressed his views on this question. 中国社会科学院特邀顾问、著名经济学家刘国光日前谈了看法。
- We welcome the appointment by the United Nations Secretary General of a Special Adviser for Iraq to work with the people of Iraq and coalition representatives. 我们欢迎联合国秘书长任命一位伊拉克问题特别顾问,与伊拉克人民和联盟代表一道工作。
- TICCIH is the world organisation representing industrial heritage and is special adviser to ICOMOS on industrial heritage. TICCIH是代表工业遗产保护的国际组织,是ICOMOS在工业遗产保护方面的专业咨询团。
- Considered one of Silicon Valley's most powerful women, she remains on eBay's board and serves as a special adviser to incoming CEO John Donahoe. 作为硅谷地区最有能力的女性,她仍然作为易趣董事会的特别顾问为公司服务。
- We welcome the appointment by the United Nations Secretary General of a Special Adviser for Iraq to work with the people of Iraq and coalition representatives. 我们欢迎联合国秘书长任命一位伊拉克问题特别顾问,与伊拉克人民和联盟代表一道工作。
- Technology, the Department of the China Aerospace companies employ 502 technicians for the Special Adviser, and has several middle-ranking titles machine operator workers. 技术方面,公司聘请中国航天部502所特级技师为顾问,另有数名拥有中级职称的机床操作工人。
- A special adviser of the British Prime Minister has resigned after the moment he had discussed a smear campaign against leading members of the opposition Conservative Party. 英国首相的一位特别顾问对反对派保守党的高层进行诽谤摸黑,不久之后便引咎辞职。
- Professor Smith served as special advise to the president. 史密斯教授曾做过总统的特别顾问。
- Mark Barthel, Special Adviser to the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), stated that he was delighted with the number and quality of entries to this year's Environment Awards. 马克日常生活,特别顾问废物及资源行动计划( WRAP的)中指出,他很高兴的数量和质量的条目今年的环境奖。
- Special Adviser for Islamic Affairs; 伊斯兰事务特别顾问;
- Special Adviser on African Questions; 非洲问题特别顾问;
- Special Adviser on Child Rights; 儿童权利特别顾问;
- Special Adviser on Regional Strategies; 区域战略特别顾问;
- Mr. PKK Lee Head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Professor Y.K. Cheung, Special Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, will address the assembly. 土木工程系系主任李启光先生及校长特别顾问张佑启教授将于典礼上致辞。
- In August 2002 PGP was acquired from NAI by a new company called PGP Corporation, where Zimmermann now serves as special advisor and consultant. 2002年8月,PGP被一家名叫PGP有限公司的新公司从NAI购得,Zimmermann在那里担任特殊顾问和咨询。