- space analyzes model 空间分析模型
- A kind of ground demonstration model of lenticular membrane antenna was designed in this paper, and nonlinear finite-element analyz model of inflatable structures is built. 对一类充气可展开天线系统进行结构设计,并相应地建立了充气结构的有限元分析模型。
- space analyzing models 空间分析模型
- The main subject of this thesis is to study the characteristic of TSM and to set up an analyzing model of TSM resonator for design and applications. 本论文主要主题为研究TSM之特性,目的在建立一组TSM共振器分析模式,以供日后相关设计研发上的参考及应用。
- Exploring measures for environmental construction surrounding reservoirs to realize traditional artistic conception space handling and rational flowing space analyzing of Lang. 感悟廊的传统意境化空间处理,认知廊的理性化流动空间分析,探索库区环境建设的处理手段。
- An analyzing model of the system motion control-associated processes was built,which was then transformed equivalently according to the foregoing strategy. 建立了系统运动控制相关过程的分析模型,经等效转换处理后进行了仿真分析,并给出了系统调整的量化依据。
- Because of the defects of present 3D Geographic Information System and Virtual Reality System,a VR system with the functions of 3D scene roaming,Extern database querying and space analyzing was developed based on dynamically updating GIS data. 针对现有三维G IS系统以及虚拟现实系统存在的问题,基于可动态更新G IS数据开发了具备三维场景漫游、外部数据库查询和部分空间分析功能的虚拟现实系统。
- To take the advantages of RBFNN and PIDNN,the simulations and contrast research of their application effect are done by analyzing model inentification and control problems of servo electromotor. 为了更好地发挥RBF和PIDNN神经网络的优势,通过对伺服电机模型辨识和控制问题的分析,对RBF和PIDNN网络的应用效果进行了仿真实验的对比研究。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- Based on synthetically analyzing models of reduced cut size,pressure drop,efficiency and flow split,the design model of hydrocyclone separators has been developed. 在综合分析切割粒径、压降、效率和分股比数学模型的基础上,建立了旋液分离器的设计模型。
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- There isn't much space left for your luggage. 剩下的地方不太够你放行李的。
- It's easier for small car to find a parking space. 小型汽车比较容易找到停车空地。
- The hotel has garage space for thirty cars. 这家饭店有停放30辆小汽车的车位。
- There isn't enough space for my address. 我写地址的地方不够。
- Analyze Model and Fatigue Life of the Joined Bolts 螺栓联接疲劳寿命及估算模型的确定
- Space rockets are being sent up all the time. 现在随时都有火箭发射。
- Space your words when you write. 写字的时候要把字均匀地隔开。
- As the analysis model of DWF_net,AWF_net peeled the semantic information of specific case from DWF_net. And all achievements of analysis techniques of Petri nets could be directly used to analyze models. 工作流分析模型作为工作流描述模型的分析模型,剥离了工作流描述模型个案的语义信息,可以直接利用已有的Petri网分析技术来分析模型。