- China's burgeoning space program achieved another historic milestone during Wednesday's successful launch of the nation's first deep space probe on a one-year mission to study the moon from lunar orbit. 处在萌芽状态的中国太空计划取得又一个了历史性的里程碑,周三成功发射的这颗卫星将在月球轨道上工作一年。
- As a radio astronomical observation technology with very high space resolution, Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI) has been widely used in the high accuracy deep space probe tracking activities. 甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)是重要的射电天文技术,具有极高的空间分辨率,是国际上广泛采用的深空探测器高精度测量手段。
- deep in the past; deep in enemy territory; deep in the woods; a deep space probe 遥远的过去;深入敌占区;森林极远处;外层空间探测器
- A New Autonomous Celestial Navigation Method for Deep Space Probe and Its Observability Analysis 一种深空探测器自主天文导航新方法及其可观测性分析
- Computing of Flying Dynamics and Analyzing of Parameters Optimization of a Deep Space Probe 深空探测器飞行动力学计算与参数优化分析
- deep in the past; deep in enemy territory; deep in the woods; a deep space probe. 遥远的过去;深入敌占区;森林极远处;外层空间探测器。
- The Magellan space probe reaches Venus. 1990年的今天,麦哲伦太空探测器抵达金星。
- deep space probe 深空探测器
- One of the US astronauts who made the first deep space walk on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather together. 一位首次在月球上进行太空行走的美国宇航员让一把锤子和一根羽毛一齐落下。
- The space probe was designed to fly out of the solar system. 按照设计,这个航天探测器可以飞出太阳系。
- The centre aims to conduct research and experiments in deep space. 它将主要用于深空探测、空间科学等方面的实验和研究。
- Comments Starting with "Is the Moon A Deep Space Planet? 从月球是否属于"深空"谈起?
- How about unmanned space probes going to the stars? 那么,能派无人驾驶的太空探测器前往恒星吗?
- Antenna arraying techniques in the deep space network II. 深空网的天线组阵技术2。
- In 1965, the American space probe Mariner 4 flew by Mars, sending back photographs of the planet. 1965年,美国的航天探测器“水手4号”从火星把火星的照片发射回地球。
- To attempt any work for God without prayer is as futile as trying to launch a space probe with a per-shooter. 不祷告而尝试为上帝做任何工作,就像想用豆子枪发射太空侦测器一样的徒劳无功。
- We will search for its telltale signs of the darkness of deep space. 并在黑暗中寻找他的蛛丝马迹.;(我们将寻找昭示它的存在的宇宙中的黑暗),
- In 1964, the United States launched the space probe "Mariner Four" on a course to Mars. 1964年,美国发射航天探测器“水手4号”对火星进行探测。
- The exploration of asteroids is becoming a focus of deep space exploration. 小行星探测日渐成为深空探测领域的一个研究热点。
- To discover just how much water comets contain, scientists deliberately crashed a space probe straight into it. 为了探明彗星中含多少水,科学家有意让一个太空探测器直接撞向它。