- 气升式反应器(Airlift Loop Reactor)是用于气-液或气-液-固相过程的接触性反应装置。 Airlift Loop Reactor (ALR) is used for gas-liquid or gas-liquid-solid reaction.
- space可以用来改变字体中默认间距的值。 Space allows you to change the default value of a space in a font.
- GT-Power GT-Power
- 基于Strand Space模型的CCITT X.509协议分析 Analysis of CCITT X.509 Based on Strand Space Model
- 视图sys.dm_db_file_space_usage仅适用于tempdb。 The view sys. Dm_db_file_space_usage is applicable only to tempdb.
- 您应该熟悉正在安装的POWER系统。 You should be familiar with the POWER system that you are installing.
- POWER BUILDER中状态条服务的应用 Application of the Status Bar Service in PowerBuilder
- 为探讨在BWR(Boiling Water Reactor)环境中,影响低合金钢A533B和碳素钢STS42疲劳裂纹扩展速度的因素,进行了大量实验研究,其结果如下:(1)两种钢材的疲劳裂纹扩展速度均受温度改变的影响; In order to probe into the factor of influnce on the fatigue crack growth rate of the low-alloy steel A533B and carbon steel STS42 in environment of BWR (Boiling Water Reactor) , a lot of experiments have been carried out. Following conclusions can been made: (1) The change of temperature makes an impact on the fatigue crack growth rate of these two kinds of steel material.
- 本示例使用Space函数返回由指定数量空格组成的字符串。 This example uses the Space function to return a string consisting of a specified number of spaces.
- 在POWER处理器上运行Linux有什么优点? What are the advantages of running Linux on the POWER processors?
- 由SPACE键激活时,此方法将更新单元格的用户界面(UI)。 When activated by the SPACE key, this method updates the cell's user interface (UI).
- 试比较strength、 power、 force、 vigour. Compare strength, power, force and vigour .
- 计算机上的电源管理设置会影响Windows Meeting Space的性能。 Power management settings on your computer can affect the performance of Windows Meeting Space.
- 目前入门级pSeries服务器的一种POWER芯片。 One of the currently available POWER chips available for entry-level pSeries servers.
- Instantiation Space逻辑在公钥认证协议形式化分析中的应用 The Application of Instantiation Space Logic in Formal Analysis of Public Key Authentication Protocols
- 基于Power Builder的通用查询的设计与实现 Design and Implementation of Universal Query Based on PowerBuilder
- 您必须至少具有Power User特权,才能创建自定义原型。 You must have at least Power User privileges to create custom prototypes.
- 指定应使用free_space百分比值作为填充因子的反数,重新生成目标数据库的表索引。 Specifies that indexes on tables in the target database should be rebuilt by using the free_space percent value as the inverse of the fill factor.