- The science and technology of space flight. 航天学,宇宙航行学研究宇宙飞行的科学及技术
- They aborted the space flight finally. 他们最后中止了这次宇航飞行。
- The chapter is concerned with space flight. 这一章是有关太空飞行的。
- Congratulations on your space flight! 祝贺太空飞行成功!
- The great dream of space flight was debased. 关于宇宙飞行的伟大梦想变得黯然失色。
- Imhoff of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Imhoff)领导的研究团队。
- Participate in the flight test procedures improvement. 参与试飞程序的完善。
- The space flight had to be aborted because of the difficulties with the computer. 这次太空飞行因电脑出了故障不得不予以取消。
- This design reflects a cost-conscious approach to space flight. 这种设计反映出价值观念已进入空间飞行。
- This will be China's third manned space flight and space walk will be the first test. 这将是中国第三次实施载人航天飞行,而且将首次进行太空行走试验。
- So, how much do those extra tests cost? 那么,这些额外的检验需要多少成本呢?
- Research of JL8 aircraft stall and spin flight test is described in this paper. 叙述了JL8飞机失速尾旋试飞状态、试飞方法和试飞结果。
- The test results indicated that there were markedly effects of space flight, cultivar and storage time. 结果表明,种子活力指标有显著的太空飞行、品种和贮存时间效应。
- Changes of Cardiac Kinetics during Various Stages of Space Flight. 航天中各阶段心脏动力学变化。
- People on Earth watched Yang Liwei's space flight on TV. 地球上的人们看到了杨利伟的太空飞行。
- Actual running of the system shows that it is highly automatic with low test cost and is easy to expand. 实际运行表明,该系统具有自动化程度高,工作可靠,实验成本低,易扩展和测试效率高等优点。
- Any flight test and wind tunnel correlation always suffers from a great number of unknowns. 在对飞行试验与风洞试验进行比较时总有大量的未知数。
- Yoram Kaufman:Professor,NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. 考夫曼:研究员,美国航天局高德空间飞行中心。
- To develop automatic test so as to improve test efficiency and reduce test cost. 为了提高测试效率和减少测试成本开发自动机测试.
- GM(1,1) model of grey system theory is used to fit and forecast electron plant life test data, can reduce the test time and save the test cost. 采用灰色系统理论中的GM(1,1)模型对电子设备失效寿命试验数据进行数值拟合和预测,可缩短试验时间。