- The source table or file is not altered in this process. 在该过程中源表或源文件并不改变。
- This type of query returns all of the columns in the source table. 这种类型的查询返回源表中的所有列。
- The source table cannot be referenced by a foreign key in another table. 另一个表的外键不能引用源表。
- A complete, condensed copy of the replication source table at a certain time. 在某一个时刻上的复制源表的完整的压缩副本。
- Usually, the primary key field of the source table makes a good choice. 通常,源表的主键值是一个很好的选择。
- It is automatically looked up in a source table or query to find the contact name. 通过在源表或查询中自动查找联系人ID号来查找联系人姓名。
- To do this, map the source table of Customers1 to the DataSet table Orders, as shown in the following example. 若要完成此任务,请将Customers1的源表映射到DataSet表Orders,如以下示例所示。
- There can be no full-text indexes on either the source table or the target table. 在源表或目标表都可以没有全文索引。
- The contact ID number is automatically looked up in a source table or query and replaced with the contact name. Access自动在源表或查询中找出联系人ID并替换为联系人姓名。
- The Clean Data transformer operates on specified data columns of the source table that your step accesses. Clean Data转换器操作源表中步骤所访问的特定数据列。
- During the main phase of the index operation, only an Intent Share (IS) lock is held on the source table. 在索引操作的主要阶段,源表上只使用意向共享(IS)锁。
- The source table in the comparison must contain at least one primary key, identity, or ROWGUID column. 进行比较的源表必须至少包含一个主键、标识或ROWGUID列。
- If you do not specify a search condition, all rows from the source table will be copied to the destination table. 如果未指定搜索条件,则源表中的所有行都会复制到目标表中。
- Then transfer the data from the source table to the destination table, recreating indexes and metadata. 然后从源表向目标表传输数据,重新创建索引和元数据。
- End-to-end latency is the time it takes from the point in time when an update occurs at a source table until that update is applied to the target. 端到端延时是指从源表发生更新到此更新应用到目标表所经历的时间。
- Access then sets the data type for the lookup field to match the data type set for the primary key field in the source table. 然后,Access设置查阅字段的数据类型,使之与源表中的主键字段的数据类型匹配。
- This is because sp_article_validation (Transact-SQL) holds a shared table lock on the source table for the duration of the transaction. 这是因为sp_article_validation(Transact-SQL)在事务持续期间的源表中具有一个共享的表锁。
- The grid displays the message name, the name of the source table or query, the message type, and the Outlook folder where the replies are stored. 网格显示邮件名称、源表或查询的名称、邮件类型以及存储答复的Outlook文件夹。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- The code first prepares the destination table by deleting all rows and then inserting a single row whose ProductID is known to exist in the source table. 代码首先通过删除所有行,然后插入其ProductID已知存在于源表的单行,准备目标表。