- sound insulating panel 隔音板
- Replacement of roof cladding sheets and gutters. Repainting the Engine Building and replaced the insulations and claddings for silencers, exhaust ducts and sound insulation panels. 更换天面坑板、排水沟、翻新发电厂油漆、更换灭音器、排气管之隔热层、及隔音板。
- Purpose: The equipment is used for mensurating thermal conductivity of refractory fibre, insulating panel and insulating brick. 用途:该仪器用于测定各种耐火纤维制品、隔热砖及隔热板等材料的导热系数。
- Superb heat preserving,insulating and energy-saving performance;superb sound insulating performance;superb anti-frosting and antifogging performance. 卓越的保温、隔热和节能性能;卓越的隔音性能;卓越的防结霜和防结雾性能。
- Building Decoration: Decorating plate, acoustic board, partition panel, roof insulating panel, water resistant kitchenware, bathing necessity, commercial decorative frame, damp proofing wall of dust free room, and flame retardant/fire-proof sash frame. 建筑装潢:装饰板、隔音板、隔墙板、屋顶隔热板、耐水厨具、浴具、商用装饰架、无尘室防潮墙壁、防火和阻火窗架。
- Combined with the panel mounted in acoustically free suspension, Variflex elements are able to offer both exceptional strength and outstanding sound insulation. 面板吊挂于内部骨架结构上,便于更换维修,同时减少声音的反射。
- Superior quality seals, waterproof, sound insulation and safe. 专用门锁及优质密封胶条,密封、水、音,安全可靠。
- Unique European gouge design, Adopted pressure and de-pressure principle. Three seals system can be selected and installed. Sound insulating, heatproofing, waterproofing and gas tightness performance is better. 独特的欧槽式设计,采用等压减压原理,可选配的内设三道密封系统,其隔音、隔热、防水、气密性能更佳。
- noise insulating panel for pantograph 受电弓隔声板
- Window of alleged sound insulation uses two windows to separate sound namely. 所谓隔音窗就是用两层窗户把声音隔开。
- The sound insulation equipment in the concert hall was imported from the US. 音乐厅的隔音设备是从美国进口的。
- Methods of yawp treatment using sound insulation techniques are summarized. 利用隔声技术可以治理噪声,文中阐述提高隔声墙隔声能力的措施。
- This paper provides that partial open sound insulating cover is adopted to insulate against sound and decrease noise of large air compressor unit. 介绍了采用局部敞开式隔声罩隔音降噪技术治理空分站大型空压机组噪声的治理方案及取得的效果。
- Sound Insulation Performance: IGU is ideal sound insulating material.Normal IGU can reduce noise by 30 decibel, IGU filled with inert gas can further reduce 5 decibel. 隔音性能:中空玻璃是理想的降噪音材料,一般中空玻璃可降低噪音约30分贝,中空玻璃若充入惰性气体可在原有基础上再降低5分贝左右。
- Insulating glass has functions of sound insulation, hear insulation, dew prevention and energy saving.It is widely used in construction, transportation and refrigeration. 这种产品具有隔音、隔热、防结露和降低能耗的作用,被广泛应用于建筑、交通、冷藏等行业。
- sound insulation of light panel partition 轻墙隔声
- The Application of the EPS Polystyrene insulating Panel to construction EPS隔热夹芯板在建筑中的应用
- MMVF compound, prefabricated, sprayed or cast in situ, for heat insulation, sound insulation or fire protection. 预制的或现场喷涂或浇注的,用于保温、隔音或防火的MMVF化合物。
- Abstract: Porous bricks are of good performance of thermal and sound insulation,thus they are energy saving materials. 文摘:多孔砖具有保温性能好、节能降耗、隔声性能优、组砌灵活、施工工效高、造价低等诸多优点。
- In theis paper, the characteristics of sound insulation of a typical aicraft sidewall structure have been investigated. 研究了典型飞机壁板结构的隔声特性。