- Onomatopoeic words, as a special language sign, has special form, sound and meaning, special grammatical function and rhetorical function. 认为象声词是特殊的语言符号,有著特殊的形、音、义,有特殊的语法功能和修辞功能。
- A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. 具有一定声音、意义和语法功能,能独立运用的最小的语言单位。
- Paronym are close to one another in sound and meaning, to the most important, they derive from the same headstream, which is a notable feature. 同源词是指音、义相同或相关,并且由同一语源孳生出来的词。
- Knowing their reasons and rules is the key to the improvement of Chinese characters' teaching in TCSL, that is, Chinese characters are the combination of structure, sound and meaning. 汉字的理据就是汉字的字式结构的道理和根据,体现了汉字形音义三者相互联系的内在规律。
- Sound and movement make information come alive. 声音和活动画面使信息变得活灵活现。
- Dai's other contribution of etymological study was to connect formal and informal words by sounds to seek their relations in sound and meaning. 戴侗词源研究的另一个特点是从声音上贯通古今雅俗词语,寻找它们之间音义上的联系。
- He gave sound and practical advice. 他提出了很好的,实际可行的建议。
- Classical music have so much more depth and meaning. 古典音乐深得多,有意义得多。
- All evidence points to the fact that writing systems came into being much later than the spoken forms and that they are only attempts to capture sounds and meaning on paper. 所有的证据都说明这样一个事实,那就是书写系统的形成要比口语形式晚得多,它们只是为了在纸张上捕捉声音和意义的尝试之举。
- the Sound and Meaning of the Buddhist Scripture 佛经音义
- He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour. 他虽说又愚蠢又吝啬,但他有幽默的长处。
- structural identicalness between sound and meaning 音义同构
- The cat is alert to every sound and movement. 那只猫对任何响动都很警觉。
- relation between sound and meaning 音义关系
- No one could spy out the intent and meaning of it. 没有人能查出它的意图和意义。
- And yet he was not all sound and fury. 然而,他并非只有“巨响和狂热”。
- Classical music has so much more depth and meaning. 古典音乐深得多,有意义得多。
- He moaned out a sound and then closed his eyes . 他呻吟了一声,然后就闭上了眼睛。
- Contrary to this, the Chinese word is two dimensional, capturing sounds and meanings in a picture-like image. 汉字却是两维的图像,以一个如画的图像凝固语音的语义,集音义形于一身。