- sound absorbing baffle 隔音板,吸声板
- A new type of porous sound absorbing material was made from super-strength gypsum and glass fiber. 摘要以高强石膏为胶凝材料,内掺玻璃纤维,制备出一种新型多孔吸声材料。
- A new sound absorbing foamed compound mainly made from PVC resin,EPR and rockwool has been investigated by foaming process. 以PVC树脂、EPR和岩棉为主要原材料用发泡方法制成了一种中低频吸声性能优良的新型泡沫吸声材料。
- A new sound absorbing material that is good in sound absorbing at the low frequency and high frequency is made from PVC and rockwool in this paper. 利用PVC和无机物等研制了一种性能优良的吸声材料。
- Thecapability of preventing burning, self-extinguishing, heat-insulation , smoke suppressing, sound absorbing and shockproof.. 具有阻燃、自熄、隔热、消烟、吸音、抗震等性能。
- A new type of sound absorbing materials mainly made from low alkaline cement and expanding pearlite has been investigated on the basis of sound absorption principle. 摘要以低?A水泥和膨胀珍珠岩为主要原料,辅之以分散性良好的增强剂聚丙烯纤维,研制出一种新型吸声材料。
- This compound materials used in absorbing material is with sound absorbing function and light quality, wide band, good compatibility and strong inoxidizability. 这种复合材料用于吸波材料,它不仅具备良好的吸波功能,还兼备质量轻、宽频带、兼容性好和耐腐蚀性强等优点。
- The acoustical properties of compound impedance in a double layer sound absorbing structure is studied,Base on that,A model is constructed to optimize the double layer structure. 研究了由穿孔板及吸声材料构成的双层阻抗复合吸声结构,在此基础上建立了其声学性能模型,并通过建立优化数字模型,对其结构的各个几何参数和物理参数进行了优化设计。
- The two rooms both adopted American Milliken carpet and high-class beech surface sound absorbing wall, which can ensure the comfort and privacy of the meeting. 两处会场均选用了美国Milliken地毯和高档枫木饰面吸音墙面,可保证会谈的舒适及私密。
- Effects of the content of fiber,vesicant,pore ratio and pore diameter were investigated,the results indicates the variables have great effects on the sound absorbing performance of the samples. 实验发现,孔隙率、平均孔径大小、玻璃纤维含量、发气剂含量对材料吸声性能有显著影响。
- A new type of sound absorbing material was made from super-strength gypsum and glass fiber and the sound absorp-tion coefficient of the material was tested by standing wave tube method. 以高强石膏为主要原料,内掺玻璃纤维,在发泡剂的作用下,制备出一种新型多孔吸声材料,采用驻波管法测试材料的吸声系数。
- A new cement was prepared which consisted of the composite porous sound absorbing material with portland cement, expanded perlite, ceramsite as main raw materials and some supplementary substances. 摘要以普通硅酸盐水泥、膨胀珍珠岩、陶粒主要原料,加以一定的辅助材料,研制出一种新型水泥基复合多孔吸声材料。
- effective porosity of sound absorbing materials 有效空隙率
- Features : good abrasion resistance, ventilation, permeability, water preservation, heat insulation, sound absorbency and stability. 特点:良好的耐磨性、通风、透气性、防水、隔热、吸音和高稳定性。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是与健康的身体是不可分割的。
- Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt. 第一声警报一响我们就迅速卧倒。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- I caught a curious sound in the neighboring room. 我听到隔壁房间里有奇怪的响声。
- I was awakened by the sound of church bells. 我被教堂的钟声吵醒。
- The sound of danger gives wings to his flight. 危险的信号加速了他的逃跑。