- Will 2,000 dozens be enough for selling? 两千打够卖吗?
- The counselor bilked his clients out of$2 million. 那位顾问从他的顾客那里骗取了200万美元。
- Every afternoon the baby takes a nap for 2 hours. 每天下午宝宝都要睡两个小时。
- He added 2 gallons of fuel to his car. 他给汽车加了2加仑油。
- She demonstrated that 2 and 2 are four. 她证明2加2等于四。
- If you subtract 2 from 8, you get 6. 8减去2是6。
- The book will run to nearly 2,000 pages. 这本书将厚达两千页之多。
- The bridge is almost 2 kilometers long. 这座桥差不多有两公里长。
- The diameter of the tree-trunk is about 2 meters. 这树干的直径大约是2米。
- The sorghum has grown unusually tall this year. 今年高梁长得特别高。
- This fossil may be over 2 million years old. 这化石可能超过二百万年了。
- We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot. 我们可以在这块地可以种高粱或玉米。
- The bridge is almost 2 kilometres long. 这座桥差不多有两公里长。
- An early-growing, usually drought-resistant grain sorghum resembling millet. 蜀黍与黍相似的一种种植期早,通常抗旱的黍蜀属谷物
- The doors were numbered 2,4, 6 and 8. 这些门编为2、 4、 6、 8号。
- A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature. 有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。
- Corn, wheat and sorghum are feed grain. 谷类、麦子及玉蜀黍等都是家畜的饲料。
- He condensed his report from 2,000 words to 1,000. 他将报告从两千字压缩到一千字。
- Selection of a Forage Sorghum Hybrid 'Liaosiza No. 饲用高粱杂交种辽饲杂三号选育报告。
- I couldn't manage 2 weeks' holiday this year. 今年我不能安排两周的假期。