- Something good must be cooking; I get a whiff of it. 一定在做什麽好菜,我已闻到味道了。
- Something good must be cooking; I got a whiff of it. 一定在做什么好菜,我已闻到味道了。
- Somewhere somebody sometimes does something good. 在某处某人有时做某些好事。
- I would like to have something good to eat. 我想吃点好的。
- Can we make this something good? 事情能任由我们改变吗?
- There is something good in every bad situation. 每个不好的情况,都有好的一面。
- Of someone's clothes isn't something good. 撕破了衣服也没什么好处。
- I'll bake something good to eat. 我要烤些好吃的东西。
- We anticipate hearing something good from you. 下次我们还找你。
- We can find something good for him in sports shop. 我们在运动用品店能为他找到好的东西。
- When something good happens to me. 当有好事发生在我身上的时候。
- Bringing something good and unforeseen;auspicious. 带来幸运的,吉利的带来未预料到的好事(物);幸运的
- He is waiting for something good to turn up. 他正期待着情况好转。
- Bringing something good and unforeseen; auspicious. 带来幸运的,吉利的带来未预料到的好事(物);幸运的
- Idolatry takes something good and twists it. 拜偶像是对美好的一种扭曲。
- I have a presentiment of something good. 我有吉祥的预感。”
- Mr Sharp who works out of the country-music tradition, is a gifted lyricist who does something good in every second song. 基于乡村音乐进行创作的夏普先生是一位很有天才的歌词作者,他在许多歌曲中都做出好成绩。
- Something good must be cooked,I've got a whiff of it. 一定在做什么好菜,我已闻到味道了。
- Something good, but cheap, get in touch with us, will you. 有什么好货,但是得便宜,跟我们打个招呼,怎么样?