- The study and application of microwave technique in bulk polymerization,solution polymerization,emulsion polymerization and functional polymer polymerization are reviewed. 综述了微波技术在高分子本体聚合、溶液聚合、乳液聚合和功能高分子聚合中的应用。
- An amphipathic polyurethane elastomer(APU) with the interpenetrating polymer network(IPN) was prepared by the solution polymerization using polyester urethane as hydrophobic component and light cured polyglycol as hydrophibic component. 以聚酯型聚氨酯为疏水组分,光固化聚乙二醇为亲水组分,通过溶液聚合制备了具有互穿聚合物网络(IPN)结构的APU。
- Polyacrylamide/ Montmorillonite( PAM/ MMT) composites were synthesized by solution polymerization. 利用溶液聚合法制备了聚丙烯酰胺/脱土插层复合材料。
- The calculation methods of energy saving in solution polymerization rubber condensation were provided. 同时给出了凝聚过程蒸汽消耗量的计算方法。
- The best synthetic method was solution polymerization and the best product was terpolymer. 其合成方法以溶液聚合为好,聚合产物以三元共聚物为好。
- Superabsorbent fiber was synthesized by solution polymerization of acrylic acid/acrylate/P2 . 通过溶液聚合方法合成了丙烯酸/丙烯酸盐/P2的成纤共混共聚物;
- GMA-type acrylic resin was prepared with four kinds of monomers by free radical solution polymerization. 通过对单体均聚物综合性能的比较,确立了最佳单体共聚体系。
- An acetoacetylated polyacrylic resin with high solid content has been prepared by solution polymerization. 采用溶液聚合法合成一种含有乙酰乙酸基团的高固含量聚丙烯酸酯。
- The graft copolymerization of acrylamide monomer onto polyamide polyamine epichlorohydrin(PAE) was performed in solution polymerization process. 利用溶液聚合的方法,使丙烯酰胺单体与不饱和聚酰胺多胺环氧氯丙烷树脂接枝共聚。
- The hydrophobically associating terpolymers(AM-AMC 14 S-AA)is prepared by water solution polymerization with nonionic,anionic,cationic monomer. 以AM、AMC14 S、AA为单体采用水溶液聚合的方法 ,合成了疏水缔合AM -AMC14 S -AA三元共聚物。
- The methods in this paper can replace the method of commonly used solution polymerization to prepare hydrogel artificial cornea. 溶液聚合:单体,引发剂在适当溶剂中的聚合过程。
- A series of amine-terminated polypropylene-oxide based thermoplastic polyureas were synthesized with a two-step solution polymerization. 用溶液聚合法合成了含有五种不同扩链剂,软段为胺端基聚环氧丙烷的聚脲氨酯和聚脲。
- The copolymers prepared by solution polymerization in THF or dioxane were better supporter for the synthesis of highly active supported catalyst. 在溶剂THF或二氧六环的存在下制得的苯乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物最适宜于合成高活性的载体钕络合物。
- A series of acrylonitrile were produced through solution polymerization process with DMSO as solvent and AIBN as initiator. 本论文主要通过采用以二甲基亚砜(DMSO)为溶剂、偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂的溶液聚合技术,合成出了一系列丙烯腈共聚物。
- AM/MA/VP terpolymer was synthesized by solution polymerization of acrylamide (AM), maleic acid (MA) and N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone (VP) in this paper. 本文以丙烯酰胺(AM)、顺丁烯二酸(MA)、N-乙烯基-2-吡咯烷酮(VP)为单体,以水作溶剂合成了AM-MA-VP三元共聚物。
- Hydrophobic N-vinylcaprolactam monomer was grafted onto hydrophilic dextran main chains by free-radical solution polymerization. 采用自由基溶液聚合法,将疏水性N-乙烯基己内酰胺单体接枝到亲水性葡聚糖主链上。
- Butadiene-styrene block copolymer was prepared by method of anionic solution polymeration,affecting to polymer performance by initiator,activator,couplant and terminator was studied. 采用负离子溶液聚合方法制备了丁苯嵌段共聚物,研究了引发剂、活化剂、偶合剂、终止剂对聚合产物性能的影响。
- Free-radical copolymerization of AN with AIA initiated by azodiisobutyronitrile (AIBN) were investigated in solution polymerization and aqueous suspension polymerization. 采用溶液聚合和悬浮聚合两种工艺,以偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂,研究了丙烯腈与衣康酸铵的共聚合反应。
- Properties and synthesis methods are introduced, and latex, suspension, solution polymerization and copolymerization of vinylidene fluoride are reviewed. 介绍了偏氟乙烯的物性和合成方法,叙述了偏氟乙烯的乳液、悬浮、溶液聚合和共聚方法。
- The results showed that properties of products by this method are all superior to aqueous solution polymerization and general inverse suspension polymerization. 结果表明,该法制备的产品各项性能均优于溶液聚合法和一般反相悬浮聚合法制备的产品。