- The UPS and IPES are the most powerful and direct technologies to study the structure of occupied and unoccupied energy band below and above the Fermi level in the solid state material, respectively. 而光电子频谱及电子光频谱为现今研究固态材料在费米能阶上下佔态及未佔态轨域最强而有力且直接的方式。
- Femtosecond Coherently Excited Solid State Materials for Linear Fluorescence and Upconversion[J]. 引用该论文 王干全;罗莉;戴德昌;余向阳;周建英.
- Infrared Laser Pumped Blue and Green Laser Emission from a Single Rare Earth-Doped Solid State Material 红外激光泵浦掺稀土固体材料直接输出蓝绿激光
- Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes. 水结冰是由液态变为固态。
- Alarm horn in place of solid state audible device. 警报喇叭替代固态声音设备。
- Ice is the solid state of water. 冰是水的固态
- The solid state of ATMP is crystal powder, soluble in water, easily deliquescence, suitable for usage in winter and freezing districts. ATMP固体为结晶性粉末,易溶于水,易吸潮,易于运输和使用,尤其适用于冬季严寒地区。
- Soc., J.Power Sources and Solid State Ionics. 作为主要成员获北京市科学技术一等奖1项。
- The solid state of ATMP is crystal powder soluble in water easily deliquescence suitable for usage in winter and freezing districts. 可以起到减少金属设备或管路腐蚀和结垢的作用。
- The wine color was not correlation with soluble solid and full coefficient of fermentable vessel. 果酒的色泽与可溶性固形物、酵容器充满系数无显著相关。
- A new nonlinear optical material Ba 2Be 2B 2O 7 (Abbr.TBO) was synthesized by high temperature solid state reaction. 利用高温固相反应合成了一种新型的非线性光学材料Ba2 Be2 B2 O7(简称TBO)。 利用顶部熔盐籽晶法生长出了可供初步性能测试的TBO晶体。
- Femtosecond Coherently Excited Solid State Materials for Linear Fluorescence and Upconversion 飞秒相干光场激发固体样品的线性与上转换荧光光谱研究
- The soluble solid proportion was significantly raised and the Vitamin C content dropped when Chinese date was harvested lately. 推迟枣果采收,其可溶性固形物含量显著提高,维生素c含量显著下降。
- Water passes from a liquid to a solid state when it freezes . 水冻结时由液体变成固体。
- The bi omass consisted of cellulose,hemicelluslose,lignose and soluble solids. 生物质是由纤维素、半纤维素、木质素和可溶性固形物组成。
- The yield was 2.6%~24.1% higher than CK and the soluble solid content,reducing sugar and vitamin C were higher significantly. 草莓产量比对照增产2.;6%25~24
- Flame Seedless was the highest density in soluble solid, reaching 19.4%.Hongqitezao's berry is big, has a rose fragment. 火焰无核可溶性固形物含量最高,达到19.;4%25,红旗特早果粒较大,有玫瑰香味。
- Solid State Disks: Is Future Disruption on the Horizon? 固态磁盘:是否会中途夭折?
- The results suggested this treatment could keep the content of soluble solid substace,VC,titratable acid and cut down the weight loss. 结果表明,该处理可减轻草莓中的可溶性固形物、微生物C和总酸在贮藏过程中的降低幅度,减缓果实的失重;
- Critical reviews in solid state and materials sciences. 固体与材料科学评论。