- Foam earplug, Smooth, soil resistant skin is non-allergenic and non-irritating. 泡沫耳塞,柔软舒适,表面光滑,经防污处理,佩戴卫生安全,防噪音效果好。
- Electroformed apertures reproduce the mandrel photo resist finish faithfully and do not require any further processing. 电铸复制卷筒照片孔型图,不需要进一步的加工。
- Foam earplug, Smooth, soil resistant skin is non-allergenic and non-irritating.Comfortable, good noise... 泡沫耳塞,柔软舒适,表面光滑,经防污处理,佩戴卫生安全,防噪音效果好。
- soil resistance finishes 防污整理剂
- Crease Resist Finish of Cotton Fabric with Glyoxal 棉织物的乙二醛抗皱整理
- Crease & Wrinkly Resistant Finish 防皱处理
- Crease & Wrinkly Resistant Finish 防皱处理
- crease and shrink resistant finish 防皱防缩处理
- For low frequency, the self reactance and the inner reactance of the conductor are seriously influenced by the soil resistivity. 在频率较低时土壤电阻率对导体自阻抗和内阻抗的影响程度较大;
- Research on soil resistance to wind erosion is very few in our country, this is very adverse to soil erosion prevention and cure and soil erosion evaluation. 但是我国对土壤抗风蚀能力的研究还几乎是一片空白,这对土壤风蚀防治和评价等工作的开展都是极其不利的。
- Auxiliaries used in the acid - proof and alkali resistant finishing of polyester/viscose blended fabric are introduced. 介绍了涤粘混纺织物防酸防碱整理工艺助剂及产品特性。
- When the fine content is about the same, clayey soil shows relatively high soil resistance to water flow at high suction when compared to the silty soil. 在细料含量相当时,黏土质土壤在较高吸力状态下土壤抵抗排水能力较粉土质为佳。
- The principle of mercerization and shrink proof finish of wool and main processes are presented,and processing practice on mercerizing and shrink resistant finishing of wool fabric. 介绍了羊毛丝光防缩的机理和方法,着重对毛织物丝光防缩进行了工艺实践,探讨了加工工艺流程、工艺条件,并对处理后的织物进行了质量检测。
- The Water Repellent, Soil Resist and Easy-to-Wash Finish of Cotton Knitted Underwear 棉针织内衣易去污整理工艺探讨
- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- Such crops won't grow in limy soil. 这类作物不能在石灰质的土壤中生长。
- What shall we grow in this alkaline soil? 我们应该在碱性土壤里种什么?
- Flame retardant P-N is developed for the durable flame resist finishing of T/C blended fabric.Satisfactory flame retard effect also can be obtained when it is applied to pure cotton cloth. 阻燃剂系为涤棉混纺织物阻燃而开发研制的耐久性阻燃整理剂,将其应用到纯棉织物上,同样也得到优良的阻燃效果。
- The effects of soil resistivity, polarization characteristic of tank bottom, depth of anode, distance between anode and tank on cathodic protection potential distribution of tank bottom are studied. 研究了土壤电阻率、罐底的极化特性、阳极的埋深、与罐距离及数量等因素对罐底外侧阴极保护电位分布的影响,并将模拟结果与实测数据进行了对比。