- social justice theory 社会公正理论
- It is a study of social justice. 这是针对社会公正问题进行的一项研究。
- He was imbued with a desire for social justice. 他满怀着寻求社会正义的愿望。
- Howard Scroll: The Social Justice Law Review. 社会公正法律评论,霍华德大学主办。
- Free markets and social justice II. 自由市场与社会正义2。
- Social justice is the keystoneof their political program. 社会公平是他们政治纲领的基本。
- Social justice must always enlighten one' s conscience. 社会司法必须总能启发人们的良心。
- Social justice is the keystone of their political program. 社会公平是他们政治纲领的基本原则。
- To promote social justice with lesbian and gay people. 与同志一起促进社会公义。
- "The Boondocks" often deals with issues of race and social justice. “森林地带”经常处理一些种族和社会公平的案例。
- UK student campaigning organisation on environmental and social justice issues. 关注环境和社会公正问题的英国学生运动。
- Marx criticized and negated the distribution way of capitalism and set forth socialist distribution justice theory. 同西方传统正义思想观念相比,马克思的正义观念具有独特之处,如正义思想的唯物史观视角;
- Rawls, through emphasizing on social justice and looking equality as Archimedes fulcrum, on the basis of the justice of the social fundamental structure, by the way of the new social compact theory, tried to construct a narrow net of right. 罗尔斯从社会正义着眼,以平等为阿基米德支点,以社会基本结构的正义为立足点,以新社会契约论为方法,试图构建一张严密的权利保护之网。
- At end, an enlightenment of justice theory from educationally equal chance is referred for future educational policy. 最后归纳正义论观点在我国教育政策公平上有何启示。
- For universal social justice, we need to use an ethic that applies universally. 为了社会公平,我们需要使用一种可以普遍适用的道德规范。
- Social security is the adjustor and lubrication materializing social justice. 社会保障正是实现社会公平的一种调节器、润滑剂。
- Government has an irreplaceable responsibility in enhancing the social justice. 政府在维护社会公正方面有着不可替代的责任。
- With the help of the utilitarianism ethics and stakeholder theory, this thesis tries to study the rationality of CSR in view of ethics by means of corporate property and social justice. 借助于功利主义伦理思想和利益相关者理论的支撑,从企业性质和社会正义的两个维度,言说论证了企业社会责任的合理性。
- Rawls committed to establish the justice theory, in order to explore the best recipe to relax and solve this contradiction. 罗尔斯致力于正义理论的建立,正是为了探寻缓和、解决这对矛盾的良方。