- social crisis event 社会危机
- The national crisis and social crisis were unprecedentedly grave. 民族危机和社会危机空前深重。
- Kan SHI, A Research on Socio-Psychological Presentiment System in Crisis Event. 时勘,危机突发事件的社会心理预警研究。
- Whether China can extricate herself from the national and social crisis which is now so grave depends on how this united front will develop. 中国是否能由如此深重的民族危机和社会危机中解放出来,将决定于这个统一战线的发展状况。
- The psychological intervention pattern after crisis event included review,understanding ,introspection and guide. 危机事件后的心理干预模式为 :回顾、理解、反思和引导 ;
- The new country fastens its hopes on financial support from the western world to sail through its present economic and social crisis. 这个新国家把渡过当前经济和社会危机的希望寄托在西方世界的经济援助上。
- This social crisis was seen as a reminder of the perpetual crisis of sinful humanity under the judgement of God. 这一社会危机是在上帝的审判下对罪恶的人类所发生的永久性危机的启示。
- During the crisis event, information transmission has been the key variability for influencing the crisis course gradually. 危机事件中,信息的传播已日渐成为直接影响危机进程的关键变量。
- Since entering the new century, the common crisis event frequently happens, the ability brings forward an ordeal to world governments of all countries in the world. 摘要进入新世纪以来,公共危机事件频繁发生,对世界各国政府能力提出了考验。
- His strong interest hair in French big revolution carry in to British latent talent at that time of the misgiving of[with] serious social crisis. 他对法国大革命的浓厚兴趣发端于对当时英国潜伏着的严重的社会危机的担忧。
- At its development stage, the social crisis theory, the Sexual Revolution, the critical theory and the conflict theory formed the mainstream with a strong voice. 在情感社会学发展时期,社会危机论、情欲革命论、批判理论、冲突论成为情感研究的主流导向和强势声音;
- With the worsening of social crisis, many patriotic intellectuals, as well as Chen Zi-long, set to think over lam to make the literature inditement do good for people and nation. 随着社会危机的加深,以陈子龙为代表的明末爱国知识分子放弃了个性张扬的极端思潮,开始进行文学创作有益于民族国家的思考。
- Finally, at the age of Emperor Jia Qing and Dao Guang, social crisis and academic plights provided a turning point for the renaissance of Neo-confucianism. 至嘉庆、道光时期,社会危机和学术困境为理学的复兴提供了契机。
- Crisis events characterized by paroxysm,threat,uncertainty,urgency and frightening often pose a severe impact on people's psychology. 危机事件具有突发性、威胁性、不确定性、紧迫性和震慑性等特点,往往会给人们的心理产生严重冲击。
- The SED leader Ulbricht performed the wrong constructing socialism course in German Democratic Republic and led to the serious social crisis. 德国统一社会党领导人乌布利希在民主德国推行一系列错误的方针政策,导致了严重的社会危机。
- This fight is mattered to how the heavy cost of apportion economy and social crisis, how reapportion economy interest and political influence, consequently very intense and complex. 这场斗争关系到如何分摊经济和社会危机的沉重代价 ,如何重新分配经济利益和政治权力 ,因而十分激烈和复杂。
- Abstract: On the basis of hominology, the thesis talks about the cause of ecological and social crisis, which may lead to the degeneration of man’s physiological function and social structure. [摘要] 本文首先从人学角度分析了生态危机和社会危机产生的原因,并发出了生态危机和社会危机有可能导致人类生理机能和社会结构发生退化的警告。
- Origin and Repercussions of France's Social Crisis 法国社会危机的根源及影响
- It was the miscalculation concerning East German reconstruction on Kohl's part that has led to the present day economic and social crises that Germany faces. 德东重建问题之所以引发当前德国严重的经济及社会危机,柯尔恐难辞其咎。
- The politics do chases stability and not chases developing and mechanically settles various social crises or conflicts, and makes it more and more conservative. 这种政治求稳定而不求发展,以不变应万变,机械地解决时或产生的社会矛盾和危机,循规蹈矩,趋于保守。