- In the meanwhile, social vicissitudes is the change of a social economic structure at the fundamental aspects, that is, the transform of pattern of material produce in a society. 而社会变迁则是指一个社会的经济结构在质上的变化,实际上就是社会的物质生产方式的转变。
- The social economic situation is better and better. 社会的经济状况正在向好的方向发展
- The first, which occurred mostly in the first decade, involved unshackling social and economic structures. 第一个阶段大致出现在第一个10年,涉及为社会和经济结构松绑。
- Carry out an adjustment of manifold economic structures. 进行多方面的经济结构的调整
- Practice Patterns and Social Economic Structure: The Deep Mechanism of the Formation of the Order of Law 实践格局与社会经济结构:法律秩序形成的深层制约构架
- Social economic assessment is always of difficult point in EIA. 在项目环境影响评价中,社会经济评价一直是个难点。
- The advent of Amorite tribes into the Mesopotamian context, engages deep and lasting repercussions over its political, social and economic structures. 亚摩利人部落出现在美索不达米亚的相关文献中,渊源甚深,最终反映在它的政治、社会和经济结构上。
- In my perception chamber pot suggests the social economic demarcation. 在我的观点,夜壶导出社会与经济之定界。
- A study on urbanization and social economic develop-ment in China since 1980. 1980年代以来中国城市化与经济社会发展研究。
- So much for reform of the economic structure. 这是我讲的经济体制改革。
- But the bland public face of Saudi Arabia has concealed the contradictions between a semi-feudal political system, ruled by close-knit dynastic groupings, and rapidly changing social and economic structures. 沙特阿拉伯表面上的温和掩盖了它的半封建政体(由紧抱一团的王族小集团统治)与迅速变化中的社会和经济结构之间的矛盾。
- They were in front of us every day, in our homes, in our workplaces, in the newspapers, in our conversations, in our classrooms and playgrounds.In our social and economic structures. 它们每时每刻都在我们的眼前晃动,在家里,在工作场所,在报纸上,在交谈中,在教室里,在操场上,在社会与经济结构中,无处不在。
- The reform of the economic structure is now focused on the cities. 现在经济体制的改革重点在城市。
- First, as a social ideology, culture varies with the changes in the other parts of the social economic foundation and superstructure. 首先,文化属于社会的意识形态,它是随着社会的经济基础和上层建筑的其他部分的变化而变化发展的。
- For Marxists, the truth of human existence could be understood by an analysis of economic structures. 在马克思主义者看来,人类存在的真理能够通过对经济结构进行分析而得到理解。
- Credit of enterprise is an important asset, and an economic ID card to take on social economic activities. 企业信用是一种重要的资本和资产 ,是企业从事社会经济活动的经济身份证。
- Work on a flexible and resilient economic structure. 着力于一个灵活、弹性的经济结构。
- However, those irrationally built theme parks have exerted negative effect on social economic development. 但不合理的主题公园建设也会给社会经济发展带来负面影响。
- The economic structure of this district is in need of readjusting. 这个地区的经济结构需要调整。
- Our greatest experiment is the reform of the economic structure. 我们最大的试验是经济体制的改革。