- At the end of the last century, a marvelous spire was added, which makes it soar up slenderly into the German skies. 上世纪末期,它又被加上了完美的塔尖,俏丽地矗立在德国的天空。
- The glider was soaring above the valley. 那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔。
- soaring spire 高入云霄的尖顶
- Inflation has sent food costs soaring. 通货膨胀于食物价格飞涨。
- Soaring as if with wings; elevated or sublime. 高远的象有翅膀般飞翔的; 高扬的或升华的
- soaring fuel costs; the soaring spires of the cathedral. 飞涨的燃料价格;高耸的教堂塔尖
- soaring fuel costs;the soaring spires of the cathedral. 飞涨的燃料价格;高耸的教堂塔尖
- We could see the spire of the church in the distance. 我们可以看到远处教堂的尖塔。
- Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; 伊斯兰文化为我们创造了雄伟的拱顶和高耸的尖塔;
- The tower culminates in a 40 - foot spire. 这塔的顶端是一个40英尺高的塔尖。
- His plane continued soaring at 5000 metres above sea level. 他的飞机一直在海拔五千米的高空飞行。
- Ptolus lies between the Spire and the sea. 托勒斯坐落在海洋与“大尖顶”之间。
- The tower is surmounted with a spire. 该塔顶上装竖着塔尖。
- Great trees soar above to cut out most of the light. 大树参天,把光线差不多都挡住了。
- The plane is soaring in the vast sky. 飞机在辽阔的天空中翱翔。
- The spire of the tower dominates the foreground. 塔尖在前景中占了主要地位。
- The church spire is reckoned remarkably handsome. 人们都说教堂的那个尖顶很漂亮。
- Not even the spire of a distant village. 连远村的钟楼也瞧不见一个。
- The prices seemed soaring up without limit. 物价好像在无限制地飞涨。
- The church spire tapers off to a point . 教堂的尖顶逐渐变细,形成了一个尖头儿。