- small bowel transit time 小肠通过时间
- Large bowel transit time 大肠通过时间
- Small bowel intussuception may require resection. 小肠肠套叠需做肠切除术。
- Assessing bowel symptoms, checking colonic transit time and anorectal manometry were made before and after the therapy. 方法对门诊30例功能性便秘患者进行生物反馈治疗,治疗前后进行临床评估、结肠通过时间检查和肛门直肠压力测定。
- View your estimated rate and transit time. 查看估算费率和托运时间。
- Occasionally a very large part of the small bowel must be resected. 偶尔,极大部分的小肠必须切除。
- Small bowel enteroclysis is an effective screening test. 小肠钡灌检查可作为小肠克罗恩病的有效筛查手段。
- Most cases are diagnosed at the time of surgery, although the plain film and small bowel series may help in the diagnosis. 临床上的确定诊断大多须经向剖腹探查,腹部放射线检查及消化道显影可以提供一定的帮助。
- A new ultrasonic transit time measure method is realized based on small tube flow-measurement,with the CPLD. 基于小管径流量检测,采用高性能CPLD,实现了一种新的测量超声波渡越时间的方法。
- At operation, massive small bowel infarction due to volvulus was found. 手术时发现大量小肠由于扭转而坏死。
- Sellers are not responsible for service transit time. 卖方不负责运输事务的时间.
- The broadbased attachment of the mesenteric root stabilizes the small bowel. 肠系膜根部基底宽阔的附着面使小肠得以稳定。
- The mean druation for reestablishment of bowel transit was 17.9 days, with 22.8 days for duodenojejunostomy and 12.3 days for duodenoduodenostomy. 肠道恢复输通平均所需时间为17.;9天二指肠空肠造口吻合术平均需22
- BN or LEW small bowel graft transplant into LEW rats either with or without LR. 异位双造口小肠移植在BN和LEW或LEW和LEW大鼠间进行。
- The fedex. Com transit time information is subject to change without notice. fedex. com运送时间信息如有变更;恕不另行通知。
- Is surveillance of the small bowel indicated for Lynch syndrome families? 林奇综合征家族是否需要监测小肠状况?
- A case of primary small bowel volvulus in a 72-year-old woman is reported. 原发性小肠扭转好发于青年或中年人,但在国内尚属少见,本文报告-老年病例。
- To evaluate double-balloon video entoroscopy(DBE) in small bowel disease. 目的评价双气囊电子小肠镜对小肠疾病的诊断价值。
- They increase intestinal and fecal bulk, which lowers intestinal transit time and helps prevent constipation. 它们增加肠和盲肠的填充量,降低肠转送时间,防止便秘。
- In mechanical high-grade SBO, small bowel follow-through study has a limitation in emergency use. 急诊应用小肠通过试验对诊断重度机械性SBO病例有一定难度。