- The project as being undertaken on a small scale. 这个工程在小规模地进行着。
- Sanming is said to be Shanghai on a small scale. 据说,(福建)三明是小上海。
- The project was first Built on a small scale. 这计划是以小规模起步的。
- He's in business on a small scale. 他做的是小本生意。
- They manage to control the disease in small scale. 他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。
- Laboratory Scale Experiment of Coal Gasification under Pressure. 加压气化小型试验。短句来源。
- They try to control the desease to a small scale. 他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。
- Products to be displayed: Small scale models of all our products. 所有产品的小型模型。
- Therefore, their dances are usually in a small scale. 因此以小型的舞蹈形式居多
- The AF produced by Non organized small scale farmers. 没有组织的小农户生产.
- They manege to control the disease into a small scale. 他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。
- A better approach is to use small scale hydro plant. 一个更好的方法是使用小规模的水力发电厂。
- Thy managed to confine the disease in a small scale. 他们设法将疾病控制在小范围之内。
- The epidermis peels off in small scales. 表皮小鳞状脱屑。
- Full scale experiment shows the additive compo-sition and its alkaline property is good for use in the circulating water system of coal mine air compressor. 工业性试验表明,该药剂配方及相应的碱性运行方案比较适合煤矿空压机循环水系统。
- Bench scale experiment is conducted to study removal of phosporus, ORP and removal of phosphorus have a relationship, change of ORP may reflect removal of phosphorus. 通过小试研究了MUCT系统中污泥的除磷能力,发现氧化还原电位与系统的生物除磷存在着一定关系,氧化还原电位可以作为监测生物除磷状态的指标;
- A full scale experiment was conducted on advanced treatment of secondary effluent from a municipal wastewater plant by combined velocity changed biofilter (CVF). 采用复合变速生物滤池对城市污水厂二级出水进行了深度处理的生产性试验。
- The microstrueture of compagted graphite cast iron glass mould with RE alloying was observed. The heat-proof behavior was tested and industrial scale experiment was made. 对稀土微合金化蠕铁玻璃模具的显微组织作了观察,对其耐热性能进行了测定,并进行了工业性试验。
- The work had been only on a small scale but it suggested a solution. 这项工作只是小规模进行,但表明了一个解决办法。
- Ken is the same physical type as his brother though on a small scale. 肯的体形与他兄弟一样,不过矮小一些。