- I think he'll sleep through the night now. 我想他现在会睡到天亮。
- Sleep through How could you sleep through it? 你怎么能睡过头了呢?播放出来。
- He can't have slept through all that noise. 那麽吵他不可能睡得著觉。
- They sometimes wish they could sleep through blue Monday. 她们有时真想在沉闷的星期一可以睡足一整天。
- It's extraordinary that he managed to sleep through the party. 真想不到他竟然从聚会开始一直睡到结束。
- Housewives sometimes wish they could sleep through blue Monday. 度过了劳累的周未之后,家庭主妇们盼着在人们开始新的一周工作的星期一好好睡上一天。
- I'm sorry I'm late, I slept through the clock this morning. 对不起,我来晚了,今天早晨睡得连闹钟也没听见。
- Swaddling Can Reduce the Risk of SIDS and help babies sleep through the night. (包裹新生儿可以降低“突发性婴儿死亡综合症”的风险,帮助婴儿睡整觉。)
- Bears will hibernate, sleeping through the winter. 熊会冬眠,整个冬天都在睡觉。
- I slept through her dull speech. 她的演说单调乏味,我一直在睡觉。
- I slept through his dull speech. 他作那篇单调乏味的演讲时我一直在睡觉。
- Over 200 variable shades of colour and light . To help your body sleep through time zones and awaken to sunries. 通过200个不同颜色和光阴影来帮助你水篇在穿越时区的时候,被朝阳叫醒。
- In some more complex cases, a general anesthesia will be used and you will sleep through the procedure. 在一些较复杂的案件,将采用全身麻醉,并通过你们睡眠程序。
- Scott: True, but at least I can sleep through the first class. Call me when it's over. 没错,但至少第一堂课我可以睡一下。下课的时候叫我。
- Jonah was so tired that he managed to sleep through all the commotion. But after a while the captain came to wake him. 约拿书太累了,以至于在整个骚动中他都在睡觉。然而过了一会儿,船长就来叫醒了他。
- After that they are not able to move, and they sleep through the six months that they need for digestion. 然后它们就不能动了,可能要睡在那里六个月----来消化它们的食物。”
- I'm sorry I'm late,I slept through the clock this morning. 对不起,我迟到了,今天早晨我没听见闹钟响。
- The alarm clock went off,I slept through the clock this morning. 今早闹钟响了,但我没醒仍在睡觉。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- The alarm clock went off, I slept through the clock this morning. 闹钟响了,但我没醒仍在睡觉。