- situation of common knowledge 常识情景
- Their frequent quarrels have doubtlessly become a matter of common knowledge in the district. 他俩经常吵架失和的事情在这个地区无疑已经变得尽人皆知了。
- This kind of common knowledge may be continually altered and expanded in the course of such communication. 这种共有知识在交际过程中可能会不断得到调整、扩大。
- It's a form of common knowledge among professionals.If my physician failed to use jargon in describing a medical condition, I would probably wonder if I had the right expert. 其实,专业人士使用专业术语是再正常不过了,比如,我的医生如果不用专业术语来描述我的身体状况,我甚至会怀疑我是否找到了一个好的医学专家。
- This paper expounds the developing situation of our country's IEMS,introduces four kinds of common models of IEMS in China,and probes into the developing trends of the IEMS. 阐述了我国综合应急系统的发展现状,介绍了当前国内综合应急系统的4种常见模式,探讨了综合应急系统的发展趋势。
- She hasn't an ounce of common sense. 她一点儿常识也没有。
- I'm well aware that before such thinking becomes part of common knowledge, many people will be disinclined to believe that an understanding of life and the truth of the universe, are one. 我当然知道,在成为大众的思维常识之前,相信人生认知与宇宙真实为一体的人不会太多。
- Have common knowledge of accounting process. 对会计流程有基本了解。
- Using statistics method,according to EI,SCI and ISTP,the paper analyses the scientific research development situation of common colleges,then states the main method and ways to promote it. 文章根据EI、SCI和ISTP运用统计学的方法,分析了普通高校科研发展状况,并阐述了促进科研进展的主要方法和途径。
- They are opposed to the enclosure of common land. 他们反对把公地圈为私有。
- Nettle is a kind of common wild plant. 荨麻是一种普通的野生植物。
- He never warped from the path of common sense. 他从不违背常情。
- It is common knowledge that some politicians are receiving bribes. 政客中有人接受贿赂是众所皆知的事。
- It's a situation of dog-eat-dog and the devil take the hindmost. 这是一个自相残杀,落后遭殃的局面。
- Most of the lecture related to the causes of common ailments. 演说的大部分是关于普通疾病的原因的。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- In a situation of great difficulty or perplexity; helpless. 处于一个非常困难或迷惑的境地; 无助的
- It's a matter of common knowledge 这是众所周知的事,妇孺皆知的事
- The catalogue of recent errors is now common knowledge. 最近的错误的目录现在已人所共知。
- What is the situation of Chinese children today? 如何看待中国儿童今天的状况呢?