- A number of site acquisition, in Qiqihar, Suihua, Heihe region. 设有多个收购站点,分别在齐齐哈尔地区、绥化地区、黑河地区。
- So far, WPP has not publicized the acquisition cost. 迄今为止,WPP没有对外公布收购金额。
- Inventory must be measured at the acquisition cost in conformity with the historical cost principle. 存货必须遵循历史成本原则按取得成本计价。
- Conducts TAC (Total Acquisition Cost) analysis and leads the commercial negotiation with potential suppliers. 进行整体采购成本分析,领导与潜在供应商进行的商务谈判。
- Lower drug acquisition cost of demethylvancomycin was the major reason for its better cost effectiveness. 去甲万古霉素的低药物获得成本是其总成本明显低于万古霉素的主要因素
- That goal is to allocate the acquisition cost of a long-lived asset to expense over the years in which the asset contributes to revenue. 那目的就是将长期资产的获取成本在该资产产生收益的各年度中分配到费用账户中去。
- In property insurance, the need for protection usually is based on either the acquisition cost or the replacement value of a physical asset. 在财产险中,保户的保障需求通常是基于物质资产的购置成本或重置价值产生的。
- Thin Locks: IBM Researcher David Bacon developed the now-standard "thin lock" algorithm that is used to reduce the "fast path" lock acquisition cost. IBM的研究人员David Bacon开发了目标标准的“瘦锁”算法,用来降低“快路径”锁的获取成本。
- Cost of goods sold (cost of sales): The original acquisition cost of the inventory that was sold to customers during the reporting period. 销售成本:会计报告期内销售给客户的存货的原始取得成本.
- For the purposes of determining capital gains or losses. The acquisition cost of a property or chattel, plus the cost of any improvements to the property. 用于决定资本的损益,由物业或不动产购买成本加任何修建成本和称。
- For all categories of plant assets, there are three basic "accountable events": (1) acquisition, (2) allocation of the acquisition cost to expense over the asset's useful life (depreciation), and (3) sale or disposal. 所有类别的长期资产都有三个基本会计核算事项:(1)购置(2)将购置成本摊销到该资产存续期每一年的费用中(即折旧)(3)出售或清理。
- Whether you want to increase awareness, promote your brand, generate sales leads or lower your customer acquisition cost, Ringier has cost-effective communication solutions for you. 无论您希望提高知名度、推广品牌、获得客户资源或者降低获取客户的成本,荣格都能为您度身定做极具成本效益的推广方案。
- Compared with traditional linear regression and BP network,the result calculated by the new model is more accurate,and it provides a new valid method for military aircraft acquisition cost prediction. 与多元线性回归和BP神经网络的预测结果对比,建立的新型军用飞机采购价格预测模型具有更高的预测精度,为军用飞机采购价格预测提供了一种新的有效方法。
- Depreciation: The systematic allocation of the acquisition cost of long-lived or fixed assets to the expenses accounts of particular periods that benefit from the use of the assets. 折旧:将长期资产或固定资产的原始成本系统地计入因使用该资产而受益的特定时期的费用账户.
- With the continual promotion of the performances of military aircrafts,various Cost Drive Factors make the former Acquisition Cost estimating model not be applicable for modern military aircrafts. 由于军用飞机性能要求的不断提高,影响飞机采购价格的费用驱动因子繁多,使得原有的价格预测模型已经不适用于现代军用飞机。
- Jewelry fabricator protects acquisition costs of future gold purchases without a price commitment from a seller. 一位珠宝加工商在没有和卖家确定价格的情况下对未来需要购买的黄金的成本实施保护。
- To reduce land acquisition costs, a lot of them and even create "landless peasants. 可以说,房地产市场成了一个“黑夜有多黑,我就有多黑”的高度灰色领域。
- Customer acquisition costs for return customers are much cheaper than for mew customers. 在老客户上所花的获取客户成本比开发新客户要便宜得多。
- If the department does not even know what the acquisition cost are, how can the department decline to accept downstream sales on the grounds that they are made below their acquisition cost ? 如果该部门连购买成本是多少都无法得知,该部门怎么能以这种销售额被搞得低于它们的购买成本为由而拒绝接受较低的销售额呢?
- The monument was moved bodily to a new site. 纪念碑整个迁到一个新场址。