- Methods OND-OPT were prepared with a single punch press and pan coating technique. 方法以锅包衣法制备OND-OPT。
- He laid his opponent low with a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。
- They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press. 他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。
- single punch press 单冲(头)压片机
- He flattened the intruder with a single punch. 他一拳就把闯入者打倒在地。
- He laid his opponent lowwith a single punch. 他一拳就把对手打倒在地。
- They cut holes on the sheetof metal with a punch press. 他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。
- The procession code program of NC punch press is the key to NC-machining. 数控冲床的加工代码程序,是数控加工的关键所在。
- Dennis Lowry,Jerry McCann. Punch Press tooling maintenance.mate Puch and Die Co. 李硕本.;冲压工艺学
- The hollow ball structure with divided segments made by punch press guarantees precision and quality,and(lowers) manufacture cost. 阀芯采用空心球体结构和分段冲压成形加工工艺,有效地保证了球体的加工精度和质量,降低了生产成本;
- The oldest of punch press is too worst about speed and safeties, many people lost own finger because be engaged in this job, even lost life. 而老式的曲柄压力机不管是速度还是安全都是最差的,很多人因为从事这一门行业而失去了自己的手指,甚至是生命。
- The paper introduces the techniques on an integrated CAD/CAM system developed by the writers for auto-generating NC codes of Turret Type CNC Punch Press. 介绍一种转塔式数控冲床加工代码自动生成的CAD/CAM软件系统设计的实现技术。
- The root cause of accidents on punch press device is due to the equipments defect,safety deviceunreliability and unsuitable arrangement of operation area. 冲压设备事故的根本原因在于设备缺陷、安全装置不可靠以及作业场地布置不合理。
- This article introduces the design of louver tooling for turret punch press, mainly focusing on the design and calculation of die, punch body and stripper plate. 介绍了多工位数控冲床用百页窗模具的设计,重点介绍了下装凸模、上装镶拼凹模及卸料板的设计和计算方法。
- The main products include fully automatic CNC punch press, CNC punch beams, platforms, such as CNC turret punch press and flanger jacquard weaving machines. 主导产品有全自动数控冲床、横梁型数控冲床、平台型数控冲床等转塔式冲床及镶边提花编织机等。
- The use of single punch retainers should only be utilized when a single punch is required, not when a number of punches reside close together. 单个冲头的固定座仅仅使用在仅一个冲头的地方,不使用于很多冲头靠在一起的地方。
- By example of CNC turret punch press,discusses how to calculate its free frequency.Theoretical base is provided to dynamic property design of frame and to increase SPM of press. 并以数控冲模回转头压力机为例,就如何计算机身的固有频率进行了探讨,为曲柄压力机机身的动态性能设计并提高其行程次数提供了理论依据。
- The series machines instead of single punching, offer such laboratories of R&D institution as the pharmacy, food chemical industry, etc. 该机型替代单冲,适合制药、食品、化工等科研单位实验室。
- Setting a elastic element on the back of the connecting rod bearing shell on a punch press can greatly reduce dynamic load acted on the punch press and avoid the transfer of vibration to the punch press. 在冲床连杆瓦背部设置弹性元件,可以显著地降低作用于床身的动载荷,阻止振动 向床身传递。
- Feasibility that drill socket notches are processed by punch press is analysed.The blanking die design is optimized and hardening heat treatment process is used thus the lifetime is prolnged. 对钻头套缺口的冲裁加工进行可行性分析,优化设计冲模,并对其进行强化热处理,提高冲模使用寿命。