- That every newly created nation state will adapt. 每个新独立的民族国家都将适应这个环境。
- The tribe rose to power and became a nation state. 那部族崛起,成为城邦。
- Jinuo is recognized by 56 countries a single nation's last one. 基诺族是国家承认的56个单一民族的最后一个。
- Could action by a single nation ever be countenanced? 那么单个国家的行动能够得到支持吗?
- Ireland is today the only Celtic nation state left the world. 在今天的世界上,克尔特民族的国家只剩下爱尔兰一个了。
- They appear ready to support the more aggressive timetable in exchange for the certainty of a single national fuel-economy standard, instead of a jumble of federal and state standards. 它们似乎准备支持政府提出的更加激进的时间表,以换取一个全美统一的燃油能耗标准,而不是诸多混杂的联邦和州标准。
- The national state of Canada was gradually severed from the British Empire. 加拿大民族国家是从英帝国中逐渐分离出来的。
- And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity. 在此,我郑重宣誓:我将竭力建设一个公正、充满机会的统一国家。
- The Committee supports work in some countries to replace existing federations with a single National Scout Organization. 世界委员会正与一些现存的联邦政府型态的国家协调出一个单一的国家童军总会。
- Nation state within the new polity needs to redefine its role and seeking for an appropriate position. 民族国家在这种新政体模式下需要重新定位自己的角色,寻找合理的位置。
- The European national state is far too small and frail a vessel to contain these forces. 欧洲民族国家是些既小又脆弱的容器,容不下这些力量。
- At the same time,most of the problems the world faces today are of such complexity that they cannot be addressed by any single nation acting alone. 同时,当今世界面临的大多数问题非常复杂,不可能由任何一个国家单独解决。
- The idea basic of national state in Deng Zhenglai's book can not resist universalism. 而邓正来在书中所体现出来的国别主义则无法对抗普遍主义。
- At the same time, most of the problems the world faces today are of such complexity that they cannot be addressed by any single nation acting alone. 同时,当今世界面临的大多数问题非常复杂,不可能由任何一个国家单独解决。
- Einstein proposed disbanding nation states and forming a single government dedicated to peace. 爱因斯坦提议解散国家,成立一个致力于和平的世界政府。
- Like any other nation state, Catalonia used symbols for the nation and culture to build its own entity. 加泰罗尼亚和任何一个民族国家主义一样,藉由民族与文化的象徵来建构自己的实体。
- The Kremlin's sixty acres of palaces, museums and churches make it Europe's most concentrated expression of the art, architecture and history of a single nation. 克里姆林宫占地60英亩,其中有宫殿、博物馆和教堂,是俄国的艺术、建筑和历史在欧洲最集中的体现。
- As a nation state, the Polynesian island also has a vote on the international stage through the UN. 作为一个民族国家,联合国成员国波利尼西亚在国际舞台上也拥有自己的投票权。
- Ohmae, Kenichi (1996). The End of the Nation State: The rise of regional economies[M] . New York: Free Press. 安东尼吉登斯著.;民族-国家与暴力[M]
- Before the end of World War II, Dulles advocated a "moral law" which transcended any individual nation state. 杜勒斯的思想发展区分为两个阶段。在前一个阶段上,他宣扬超越民族国家利益的“道德律”。