- All the young men have singed their wings over Miss Mary. 所有追求玛丽小姐的年轻人都碰了一鼻子灰。
- singe their wings vi. 损害自己的名誉(使自己遭受损失)
- Some doves were flapping their wings over the square. 有几只鸽子在广场上空振翅飞翔。
- They flutter their wings in yearning and sing,"come closer, my love! 它们在思慕中拍着翅膀鸣唱:“靠近一些吧,我的爱人!
- Pigeons preened their wings and cooed. 鸽子用喙整理翅膀, 咕咕地叫。
- The bees were buzzing their wings. 蜜蜂振翅嗡嗡响。
- The birds up on the treetops sing their song. 树梢上的小鸟唱着它们的歌曲,
- And you can hear their wings beating. 你甚至还能听到它们拍打翅膀的声音。
- Sure of angels, and you will hear their wings. 说鬼就见鬼,说曹操曹操就到。
- Spreading their wings 'neath the falling leaves. 在飘落的树叶下展开他们的双翼。
- The two birds were pluming their wings on the tree. 两只鸟正在树上整理他们的翅膀。
- Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings. 说到曹操,曹操就到。
- The eagle can soar without flapping their wings. 老鹰无需振翼就能翱翔。
- There they innocently sing their repertory of dirty songs. 他们天真烂漫地唱着成套的下流歌曲。
- What do birds do with their wings ? 鸟类的翅膀干什么用?
- They like sing their owm praises despite only saying in most time. 他们喜欢自吹自擂,尽管多数情况下只是说说而已。
- Speak of angel, and you will hear their wings. 说曹操,曹操就到
- Birds can flap their wings, soar, glide or hover. 鸟儿能振动翅膀、高飞、滑翔和盘旋。
- I hear the voice of their wings. 我听见它们鼓翼之声了。
- Speak of angel,and you will hear their wing. 讲到天使,听到展翅声。