- Osama bin Laden\'s beard chest Shuaile Shuai, ghoulishly smiled and said: Pantene, is one such self-confidence! 拉登甩了甩齐胸的胡子,阴森森地笑了,说:潘婷,就是这样自信!
- One sole poet has not to sing one aged song. 一个单独的诗人,不必去唱一支旧歌。
- A voice was heard to sing one of those wild and monotonous strains. 有人在唱一支狂野而单调的曲子。
- Having caught a cold today, he has to sing one octave lower. 他今天感冒了,只能低八度进行演唱了。
- A bushy growth stuck to the front of his face like a squirrel clinging to a branch, Dickens’s beard was an integral part of his image as the most famous author of his day. 狄更斯茂密的胡须像一只紧抓着树枝的松鼠贴在他的下巴上。狄更斯是他那个时代最著名的作家,而他的胡子是形象的不可缺少的组成部分。
- To vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of a wave by impres sing one wave on another wave of constant properties. 把一个波加到另一个固定特性的波上以改变该波的幅度、频率或相位。
- Sitar Tan singing one of the top songs of ... 维维翻唱孙燕姿的"神奇", 别有风味!
- Sometimes, there are two performers who sing one by one with one playing wood planks and the other playing Danba (cymbals) or Shugu (a kind of drum). 因主要伴奏乐器为“坠子弦”(今称坠胡),且用河南语音演唱,故称之为河南坠子。演唱者一人,左手打檀木或枣木简板,边打边唱。
- You are required to sing one song.It is highly recommended that you should prepare your song SERIOUSLY.If you provide music score, our accompanist will play for you. 我们建议阁下应 认真及充份准备 这首歌曲,如你能提供伴奏谱,我们的司琴乐意为你即场伴奏。
- In liquid form it was used as an Anointing oil or to perfume men\'s beards. 制成液体形态,就可以作为涂油之用,或者让男人的胡子变香。
- But nowadays, there are few singers who can sing well: some of them can only sing one or two passages, some Hezhen people can only sing the tune of Yimakan. 而现在会唱伊玛堪的人极少,只有会唱一两个片断的歌手,也有仅仅会唱伊玛堪调的赫哲人。
- Wassail toast, singing one voice to a long friendship lang syne! 举杯痛饮,同声歌唱友谊地久天长!
- Sitar Tan singing one of the top songs of Stephanie ... 维维翻唱孙燕姿的"神奇", 别有风味!
- singe sb.'s beard v. 侮辱某人
- The actor goes to stage, sings one song mang times, until let all the audienles sing togethep. 表演者走上舞台;把一首歌连续唱多遍;直到把所有观众带动起来和他一起唱.
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。
- If the two individually sing one edition, or respectively sing a paragraph, and not alternatedly (singing) like now, the feeling would perhaps be much better. 如果两个人各自演唱一个版本,或者各自演唱一个段落,而不是像现在这样穿插,感觉可能会更好。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 这就是那些图样.;你喜欢哪一个[些]?
- A Cicada was singing one evening in the branches of a tall tree when a Fox happened to pass by. 一天晚上,蝉正在一棵大树上歌唱,狐狸恰巧从树下走过。