- When the planes in the air during a scuffle, shooting flames lit up the entire Galaxy, a real spacecraft simulation game. 当战机在空中陷入混战时,其射击的火光照亮了整个银河,一款真实的太空船模拟游戏。
- This is a hacking simulation game invasion, but also found time limit and the danger, because it can exercise to become a hacker friend. 这是一个黑客模拟入侵的小游戏,同时也是时间限定和被发现的危险,因为是可以锻炼想成为一名黑客的朋友。
- This is a simulation game in hand business class and Port Royale relatively similar, but this hand-tour map of the greater need to find their own port! 游戏简介:这款手游戏是模拟经营类的和海商王比较相像,不过这款手游的地图比较大,需要自己寻找港口!
- In a future world, young people are increasingly becoming addicted to an illegal (and potentially deadly) battle simulation game called Avalon. 原是西方神话中一个布满苹果树的乐园。
- This paper follows the research by Anderson and Morrice in 2000.They designed a simulation game to teach service-oriented supply chain management principles. Anderson &Morrice在2000年的构造了一个模拟游戏方便教学,对服务业供应链的研究具有重大意义。
- You hand the English version. Highlights of the strategy simulation game, looking for each island, and the development of a strong own territory, and then to conquer all enemies. 这个手游英文版本。精彩的模拟战略类游戏,寻找每一个岛屿,发展及强大自己的领土,再征服所有的敌人。
- Play addicting mini-games and complete challenges to advance, and explore more and more islands in this fun sequel to the hit Simulation game, Escape from Paradise. 体验吸引人的小游戏和完成所有的挑战,在这款模有趣的拟游戏中,探索更多的群岛。
- Play tough games against your friends and become a smart paintball tactician with the first paintball simulation game. 透过这个模拟漆弹游戏的竞赛,你将和朋友进行激烈的对决,并成为聪明的漆弹游戏策略家。
- In the simulation game Second Life, savvy entrepreneurs can buy and sell digital real estate, create their own lines of avatar clothing and accessories, and hold virtual concerts, lectures, and sporting events. 在模拟游戏《第二人生》中;有头脑的创业者可以买卖数字化房产;创建自己的服装及家居生产线;还可以举办虚拟音乐会;演讲及体育赛事.
- Chinese production of the extremely realistic driving simulation game, you can almost see the control of everything, including audio-visual products, radios, steering wheel, wiper, rear-view mirrors, and so on. 国人制作的非常逼真的模拟驾驶游戏,你几乎可以控制能看到的一切东西,包括音像,收音机,方向盘,雨刮,后视镜等等。
- Categories include puzzle and word games, action games, adventure games, sports games, card games, simulation games, and strategy games. 各种类别包括拼图和文字游戏、动作游戏、冒险游戏、运动游戏、牌类游戏、刺激游戏和战略游戏。
- Is my XBOX1 acting (Kawa-X simulator) did the picture of CPS1 simulator game in put upside down how to solve? 我的XBOX1代(Kawa-X模拟器)里的CPS1模拟器游戏画面颠倒了怎么解决?
- Operating a similar type of simulation games, selling all kinds of messy things, these types of games this Xiaobian there is no talent! 类似一个模拟经营类的游戏,倒买倒卖各种乱七八糟的东西,对这类型的游戏本小编实在没什么天分!
- The 28-year-old man, identified only by his family name Lee, had been playing on-line battle simulation games at the cybercafe in the southeastern city of Taegu, police said. 据路透社8月9日报道,韩国警方透露,在韩国大丘市的一家网吧里,这名李姓男子一直在网上玩枪击游戏。
- Moose on call: Mike Mussina saved some mileage on Friday, bypassing a scheduled rehab start for Double-A Trenton in favor of pitching a simulated game at Yankee Stadium. 老穆即将被召回:老穆省掉了星期五的必经里程,省略了排定的对上2A的复建赛,为了要在洋基主场投模拟赛。
- Computer simulation of an in-flight emergency. 计算机模拟飞行途中的紧急情况
- Implementation of HUD and Instruction-Panel is very import parts in virtual cockpit, but in immersive Virtual Reality (VR) flight simulator, stereo-display and super interaction make it more complicated than that in 3D flight simulator game. 飞行平显画面和飞机仪表显示是虚拟座舱中最为重要的部分 ;但在沉浸式 VR飞行模拟训练器中 ;由于三维空间显示以及虚拟环境交互扩展使该过程的实现较 3D游戏中要复杂得多 .
- Have a 5 game regular season win streak in Road to the Show. Simulating games in which your RttS player appears will restart the streak. 你在生涯模式中连5场胜。如果你在涯模式中使用模拟比赛这个选项,你的连胜将要重新起算。
- Have a 20 game regular season hitting streak in Road to the Show. Simulating games in which your RttS player appears will restart the streak. 你在生涯模式中连续20场比赛有安打。如果你在涯模式中使用模拟比赛这个选项,你的连续安打将要重新起算。
- Have a 50 game regular season hitting streak in Road to the Show. Simulating games in which your RttS player appears will restart the streak. 你在生涯模式中连续50场比赛有安打。如果你在涯模式中使用模拟比赛这个选项,你的连续安打将要重新起算。