- Please refer to the true colour image to see if the area is actually covered by clouds. 可参考真彩图像以查看该区是否被云覆盖。
- The normal colour of the flowers is orange with a yellowish-white throat, although a colour range from whitish yellow through pale oranges, dark orange and approaching red . 花的颜色一般是桔色的,有黄白色的内芯。当然也有从黄白色系到暗红色系之间的颜色的花。
- The colour image has been created from the HRSC's nadir (vertical view) and three colour channels. 图中的是位于亚齐雷低地的一个陨石坑,这陨石坑的右上方黑色那团是沙丘来的。
- Toner: (1) Pigment or dye used to modify the color of a printing ink. (2) Chemical used to develop a colour image in electrostatic printing processes. 色剂:(1)用来加强印刷油墨颜色的颜料或染料。(2)静电印刷用来造成颜色影像的化学剂。
- Toner: (1) Pigment or dye used to modify the color of a printing ink. (2) Chemical used to develop a colour image in electrostatic printing processes. 色剂:(1)用来加强印刷油墨颜色的颜料或染料。(2)静电印刷用来造成颜色影像的化学剂。
- The finite element models simulating normal, pre- and post-PFO were created. 再者,可产生模拟正常、病患的股骨近端截骨术术前及术后情形的有限元素模型。
- Beams of light,colour filters,and electronic circuitry are used to scan a colour image point by point,producing colour-corrected separations in negative or positive film,either screened or unscreened. 用光束、滤色片、和电子电路把彩色影像逐点逐点的扫描,造成正确色彩的分色上网或不上网的正片或负片。
- Under the 40 multiple microscope, the observed results were transferred into Meta Morph/ DP10/BX41 colour image analysing apparatus with OLYMPUS C3040-ADU colour image photograph importing apparatus. 于40倍物镜下用OLYMPUS C3040一ADU彩色图像摄录输入仪将图像输人Meta Morp丫DP10/BX41彩色图像分析仪,每张切片选取四周及中央5个区域,均取该区域阳性反应最多的视野,测阳性反应面积比(阳性面积/肝组织面积x 100%25),即平均光密度值,再取平均值。 Masson染色:胶原纤维染色成蓝色。
- Which microscope can gives coloured images ? 哪一种显微镜能显示出有颜色的图像?
- Cadmium, one of environmental endocrinal disrupter, which has hormonal effect, can simulate normal hormone level in the body. 摘要镉属于环境内分泌干扰物,具有激素效应,可以模拟体内正常的激素水平。
- Cadmium,one of environmental endocrinal disrupter, which has hormonal effect,can simulate normal hormone level in the body. 镉属于环境内分泌干扰物,具有激素效应,可以模拟体内正常的激素水平。
- The processing of true colour images is adapted from a software originally developed by the Space Science and Engineering Centre of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. 真彩图像的处理软件是美国威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学的空间科学与工程中心开发的。
- Colour Image Display System of Multi-Grey Levels 彩色多灰级图象显示
- Most images were produced in black and white for nearly a hundred years after the invention of photography, but now colour images have become commonplace. 摄影术发明后的将近一百年时间里,大多数图片都是黑白的,但是现在,彩色图片已经司空见惯了。
- An integrated distribution simulation training system which consists of distribution automation system system simulating normal operation state and simulating abnormal fault state is introduced in the thesis. 本文根据目前国内外配电自动化运行及培训的实际需要,设计了一套完整的配电自动化模拟培训系统,并配置了系统正常运行状态下的配电运行管理软件和故障状态下的故障处理培训软件,使学员进行模拟操作和故障处理。
- The visuals are stunning with strong, vibrantly colourful images. 在视觉效果令人震惊的强烈,充满活力多姿多彩的形象。
- We used colour images of whitefly as samples,studied and discussed isolated point and unrelated small areas after performing gray level process and binary process. 本文以白粉虱的彩色图像为样本,对其进行了灰度及二值化处理。对处理过程中产生的孤立点和无关小区域的处理和删除进行了研究和探讨。
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。
- The situation has returned to normal in the city. 这座城市的局势已恢复正常。