- Plain Maple has an eternal charm to intoxicate us. It is simple, with a kind of simple and natural temperament. 清枫有一种恒久的魅力,足以让我们为之沉醉。它是简单的,有一种淳朴自然的气质。
- The lesson for top-down Web service development is that leveraging inheritance is very simple and natural. 使用自顶向下Web服务开发的结论是利用继承非常简单及自然。
- Feed it as well with unburned and uncombined foods because that which is simple and natural is best. 同样,去摄取没有烧过和非合成的食物,因为简单和自然是最好的。
- His gourd pyrography is gorgeous and eye-catching, giving people simple and natural art enjoyment. 他的葫芦烙画炫丽多彩、耀眼夺目,给人一种朴实自然的艺术享受。
- In the condition of emotional intoxication in which she found herself everything seemed simple and natural. 在她所处的那种陶醉状态中,一切似乎都很平常而且自然。
- The cycle of geosyncline formation and orogeny can be integrated with the plate tectonics concept of opening and closing oceans in a simple and natural way. 这种地槽的形成与造山作用的循环可以以一种简单和自然的方式与板块构造的海洋开合理论结合起来。
- He supposed that his readings in anthropology caused him to take such a coarse view of what was after all a simple and natural demonstrations of family feeling. 他想自己恐怕是因为读过些人类学的东西,才产生了这样粗俗的想法,而这只不过是一种家庭气氛的简单而自然的表现。
- The realist approach is also adopted by some Chinese painters to show Chinese folklore customs, making the works look more simple and natural. 描绘乡土风情的画家也采用写实手法,但更加质朴和风格化,
- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我认为这个问题非常简单明白。
- This is a very simple and natural test, play all the notes slowly and with the same amount of effort, and check for their evenness. 这是个非常简单且平常的测试,就是用一样的力度缓慢地把所有音吹过一遍,检查看看那些音是否平均。
- The most exciting rhythm seems to be complicated and unexpectable;the most beautiful melody sounds like simple and natural. 1最令人激动的节奏似乎很复杂,出人意外;最优美的旋律听起来简单自然。
- The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观。
- I have a simple and easy method. 我有个简易的方法。
- What we observe here is a disastrous situation for software change and evolution: a simple and natural addition may cause a chain reaction of changes across many client modules. 在这里,我们所观察的是软件变化和演化中的一种灾难性的情形:一个简单自然的增加可能会引发横跨许多客户端模块的一个连锁反应。
- But Ellen's unfaltering confidence in asserting that it was a matter as simple and natural as the marriage of an unmarried girl had its effect on him too. 但海伦毫不动摇地相信,这与姑娘家出嫁一样地简单而且自然,这信心便也对要员起了作用。
- My mother still thinks a good girl, an ideal daughter, should be simple and natural, meaning no makeup, no eye-catching outfits, in a word, nothing unconventional. 我母亲依然认为一个乖女孩、理想的女儿应该是朴素自然的,也就是不化妆,不穿奇装异服,一言以蔽之,就是规规矩矩。
- Simple and unpretentious in behavior. 朴素的,不做作的行为简便且不矫揉造作的
- Ye Lin, Cuoluo style cabins in the palm,Lin Zhaohai back seat, the house antique furnishings, simple and natural, with suites of the facilities function. 椰林下,风情小木屋错落于椰树间,座座背林朝海,屋里陈设古色古香,朴素而自然,具有套房的设施功能。
- We ought to restrict ourselves, so far as possible, to the simple and natural, and not to magnify that which is little, or belittle that which is great. 我们必须尽可能地把自己限于自然的简朴事实;是小的就不要夸大,是大的就不要缩小。
- Charmingly simple and serene; idyllic. 恬静的宜人和宁静的; 田园式的