- Outside was a silvery white world. 外面已是一片银白色的世界。
- European birch with silvery white peeling bark and markedly drooping branches. 欧洲的一种桦树,有银白色脱落树皮和下垂的枝条。
- Sandal of bowknot illuminative silvery white all shows nobility and grace. 蝴蝶结装饰的银白色凉鞋尽显高贵与优雅。
- Silvery white; hoary. 银白的; 灰白的
- Fresh green leaves in spring, cool summers, colorful autumns, silvery white winters. 新绿欲滴的春天,凉爽宜人的夏天,红叶染红山峦的秋天,银装素裹的冬天。
- Its back is greenish grey while its body is silvery white with a black rhomb shortly behind the pectoral base. 牠的背部灰绿色,躯干大致银白,胸鳍基部后方有一黑色菱形斑纹。
- Properties: Antimony is one kind of nonferrous metal, silvery white solid with polish and crisp character. 性状:锑是一种有色重金属,质脆有光泽的银白色固体。
- Feature:Silvery white metal, chemical active, oxidizable in moist air and reactive fiercely with water. 主要性状:本品呈银白色金属光泽。化学活性强,在空气中易氧化,遇水反应激烈。
- Leaf blade abaxially silvery white, rarely with scattered rust-colored stellate hairs. 叶片背面银白色,很少具星散的锈色的星状毛。
- It snowed all night, and looking out of the window in the morning, I found a world of silvery white. 大雪整整下了一夜,晨起一看窗外变成了一个粉装玉琢的世界。
- From where you stand on the shore, you see the water clearly divide into silvery white, light blue, emerald-green and dark jade-green. 湖色越远越深,由近到远,是银白、淡蓝、深青、墨绿,非常分明。
- The sitting room contrasts with vermeil sofa those who give black sofa is sedate, in silvery white world more show trait. 客厅以鲜红色沙发来对比出黑色沙发的稳重,在银白世界中更显特色。
- Light color can be used at be in eyebrow bone place to carry to shine like silvery white, with on palpebral demitint overlaps slightly. 浅色如银白色可用于在眉骨处提亮,与上眼睑的中间色微微重叠。
- Brim of branch tip, lamina or lamina are silvery white changeably for the most part. 3 bunch give birth to floret at branch top. 枝梢.;叶片边缘或叶片大部分可变为银白色。小花3朵簇生于枝顶。
- In site , People will see: Blue sky , white cloud and a huge silvery white eggshell .The workers are working on the skin. 在工地现场,呈现在人们面前的是:蓝天、白云与一个巨大的银白色“蛋壳”。
- Vein green, the with silvery white regular ribbon between face of blade, the fleck of watermelon of be similar in shape. 叶脉绿色,叶面间以银白色的规则色带,形似西瓜的斑纹。
- All lamps it is from 10 lis of rivers the lamp acts the role of inn to clean out those who come, silvery white, circle is bulbiform, the exterior is lovely. 所有灯件都是从十里河灯饰店淘来的,银白色、圆球状,外观可爱。
- To match with photograph of former door window, have on its colour silvery white, Gu Tong, white, black, blackish green, golden 6 kinds can choose for random. 为与原门窗相匹配,其色彩上有银白、古铜、白色、黑色、墨绿、金黄6种可供任意选择。
- And the spray of all sorts of tall qualitative lacquer in modern technology also is added except silvery white, golden all sorts of multicoloured color outside. 而现代工艺中各种高质涂漆的喷涂也增添除银白、金黄外的各种五彩颜色。
- Silvery white;hoary. 银白的;灰白的