- sideoats grama n. 垂穗草
- Hospital with grampa, uncle, ma, pa, grama... im worried kinda 心情: upset 星期三。
- Blue Grama grass seed can also be planted in the spring. 蓝色格兰马草也可以在春季种植。
- The Vedic grama could have a pur, or a fort-like structure within it. 吠陀的加玛会咕噜咕噜地叫,或者有城堡般的建筑在里面。
- He currently is living at Swami Rama Sadhaka Grama in Rishikesh, India, where he is on Institute’s faculty. 他的教学任务包括在瑞玛冥想学院培训教师,并负责静修中心所有学员的培训指导。
- But on February twenty-ninth the air force awarded the contract to another American company Northrap Grama teamed with ES. 但在2月29,空军主力奖励给其它美国公司N和E这个合同。
- Blue Grama grass is used as pasturage and lawns and mixed with the other native grass such as Buffalo grass for ground covers. 蓝色格兰马草可以与其他的草种混合,比如野牛草。他们可以一起作为牧场和草坪草地的地被植物。
- Blue grama grass is drought resistant, fine textured and being adapted to this area the germination period is timed to the climate and soil temperature. 蓝色格兰马草耐寒,有很好的纹理。在有适应的气候和土壤温度的条件下,他就会很快发芽。
- Blue Grama grass is native to the Great Plains where the temperature ranges from hot to cold and the soil is primarily of alkaline content and rainfall can be practically non-existent in some areas. 蓝色格兰马草是大平原上的一个自然草种。在大平原上,炎热和寒冷的气候都有。最初的土壤含有碱性成分,在有些区域几乎没有降水。
- A. Grama 等, Introduction to Parallel Computing, 2nd, 2003。 迟学斌,高性能并行计算,2005。
- 5.How can the rote way be useful if you don't have any foundamental English grama background? (5)要是你连基本的英语语法知识都没有,死背生词又有何用呢?
- make up some excuses,like you wife need to take care of the old grama or something...might be help,depends on her luck. 我的情况是这样的,我和老婆现都在国内,我本月底就可以入加拿大籍了,我老婆有枫叶卡(明年2月到期),但是她在5年里没有住满2年,我是去年8月底递交了公民申请后回国内的。
- Introduction to Parallel Computing, 2nd By Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis, and Vipin Kumar,China Machine Press 2003 并行计算-结构,算法,编程,陈国良高等教育出版社2003
- hairy grama 毛垂穗草
- Gramaço 格拉马索
- Gramaça 格拉马萨
- grama grass 克
- grama =gramma.
- six weeks grama n. 六周格兰马草
- Rothrock grama n. 洛斯洛克格兰马草