- One has to show one's pass at the door. 任何人必须在门口出示自己的通行证。
- Indeed, even when children masturbated themselves, their families saw it as a “natural” relief from discomfort like scratching or blowing one’s nose. 甚至当孩子们自己手淫时,他们的家人把这当作由于不舒适时的“正常”缓解,像挠痒痒或擤鼻涕那样。
- You're gonna show one of those tourists such a good time. 会有某个旅游者因为和你共渡美好的时光。
- Eyes looking sideways can show one's coldness and superciliousness. 眼睛旁顾,态度冷淡,目空一切的眼神。
- Seven years later, she relocated to Chicago to host WLS-TV’s morning talk show AM Chicago, which became the number one talk show one month after Oprah became its host. 六年后,她来到芝加哥,主持WLS电视台早间脱口秀节目“芝加哥早晨”。仅仅一个月,这个节目就在同类节目中排行第一。
- In a frontal collision, the car′s nose will deform to absorb the impact energy. 在正面碰撞中,汽车前端会变形,来吸收撞击能量。
- Ignoring the Duke, Ogilvie waved the unlighted cigar under his adversary 's adversary 's nose. 他不理睬公爵,手里拿着那支尚未点燃的雪茄在公爵夫人的鼻子底下挥了一挥。
- Make amends for, it means to pay for or show one is sorry for some damage. 赔偿;补偿,赔不是的意思。
- Under sb.'s nose: just in front of sb. The thief walked out of the museum with the painting right under the guards' nose. 小偷正是在警卫的眼皮底下拿着那幅油画走出了博物馆。
- Listing 3 shows one such sample test file. 清单3显示了一个示例测试文件。
- It shows one sheath around the vascular bundles. 它显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。
- He showed one of the leaflets to Xiao Li. 他拿了一张传单给小李看。
- That Turk shows one hair on his ass, he's dead. 那土耳其人敢露出一根汗毛就挂了。
- Dad is showing one of diabolo tricks. 空竹技巧之一:上竿。
- How did Svend come to own this dog with a detective\'s nose?He picked Rolf from a litter of seven pups because Rolf had the biggest head and snuffled more eagerly along the ground. 在罗尔夫只有五个月大的时候,它第一次找到了一件失物枣斯文德邻居的一块表,经过一年精心的训练,罗尔夫成了一个职业寻物狗,可以开始应活了。
- She can not accuse me of showing one bit of deceitful softness. 她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔。
- Display counters, department stores, drugstores and other kinds of shops show one kind of success. 百货大楼、药房和各种各类的店里的陈列柜台就表示了一种成就。
- Display counters,department stores,drugstores and other kinds of shops show one kind of success. 百货大楼、药房和各种各类的店里的陈列柜台就表示了一种成就。
- A dead-fish handshake shows one's reluctance to shake hands. 死鱼式的握手:一种很不情愿的握手。
- Get up sb.'s nose have a bad nose 鼻子不灵,嗅觉不敏锐