- The children were shouting with laughter. 孩子们高声大笑。
- Then the two old gentlemen shouted with laughter, but I was dumfounded, just petrified, as you may say. 那两位先生哈哈大笑,我却不知所措,简直是傻了。
- The hall resounded with laughter and whistles. 大厅里充满了笑声和口哨声。
- His joke made us scream with laughter. 他的笑话逗得我们大笑。
- I screamed with laughter at the joke. 听到这个笑话,我放声大笑。
- He threw back his head and roared with laughter. 他仰著头哈哈大笑。
- The old couple doubled up with laughter. 老两口笑得直不起腰来。
- His speech was punctuated with laughter from the opposition. 他的演讲不时地被反对派的嘲笑声打断。
- Jane and Judy ran back to their bench two-double with laughter. 珍和朱蒂跑回他们的长椅,笑得直不起腰来。
- "Of course," they shout with great joy. “当然,”他们欣喜若狂地喊着。
- Soon he was wildly excited and shouting with laughter as the tiddly-winks climbed hopefully up the ladders and then came slithering down the snakes again, almost to the starting-point. 当他们各自的棋子进了几步,快有希望达到终点时,又倒退下来,几乎回到起点时,他马上就兴奋起来,大声笑着叫喊。
- Soon he was wildly excited and shouting with laughter as the tiddly -winks climbed hopefully up the ladders and then came slithering down the snakes again, almost to the starting-point. 当他们各自的棋子进了几步,快有希望达到终点时,又倒退下来,几乎回到起点时,他马上就兴奋起来,大声笑着叫喊。
- Shout with joy to God, all the earth! 全地都当向上帝欢呼!
- I'll shout with the millions on high. 一同喊出他爱无穷。
- We were convulsed with laughter. 我们笑得前俯後仰。
- The audience roared with laughter at the pantomime. 观众被这哑剧逗得哈哈大笑。
- On the south shore, their comrades began to shout with joy. 他们在南岸的同志们开始兴高采烈地高呼。
- The man suddenly shouted with pain. 这人突然痛得叫了起来。
- She was holding her sides with laughter. 她捧腹大笑。
- His joke really creased me (with laughter). 他开的玩笑真使我捧腹大笑。