- The thought of the prize was the spur for the team. 夺取锦标的想法是该队的动力。
- The choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary. 对队员的挑选似乎完全是主观决定的。
- The thought of the prize is the spur for the team. 夺取锦标的想法是该队的动力。
- He hasn't been selected for the team. 他未能入选进队。
- The team felt great admiration for the coach. 队员们都非常钦佩教练。
- The team is practising for the match on Saturday. 这个队正在为星期六的比赛进行训练。
- It was a very creditable result for the team. 对这支队来说,这比赛结果是十分值得称道的。
- She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team. 她很幸运被选中参加此队。
- Have you got me down for the team? 你把我加进球队名单里了吗?
- That game was a turning point for the team. 那场比赛是这个队的转折点。
- They were shouting for the home team. 他们在为主队呐喊助威。
- The team need to get in trim for the coming season. 这个球队需要为下个赛季做好准备。
- You must put your name down for the team. 你必须报名参加该队.
- He went to Sweden with the team for the Games. 他随队前往瑞典参加奥运会。
- A disappointing qualifying session for the team. 对车队来说这是场令人失望的排位赛。
- He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team. 他因没被选到队里感到愤愤不平。
- Pastor Chow prays for the team members. 周牧师为短宣队员祈祷。
- For the junkies, this is the team. 对于一部份人群来说,这支球队就是他们的真命天子。
- The representative shouted for the floor. 那位代表嚷着要发言。
- I proposed Tom for the team leader out of trust. 我提议汤姆作组长是出于对他的信任。