- A shout of fervent and worshipful praise. 热烈而又崇敬的赞美之声
- The answer was lost in a shout of ribald laughter. 回答被一阵下流的狂笑声掩盖了。
- They pegged out the plastic for a shout nap. 他们铺开塑料单子睡一会儿。
- A shout or salute of enthusiastic approval. 欢呼,喝彩表示赞同的欢呼或敬礼
- A shout uttered by a hunter or warrior. 呐喊猎人或战士的叫喊
- He fell down with a shout in front of me. 他在我面前大叫着摔了下去。
- Dudley reined in his horse and fell a shouting. 达德利勒住马高声呼喊起来。
- Willow was startled from her sleep by a shout. 沙柳被一声叫喊惊醒了。
- Give me a shout when you're ready. 准备好了告诉我一声。
- I gave a shout and he jumped on me. 我嚷了一下他就向我扑来。
- A shout of laughter followed this brutal jest. 这个残酷的玩笑引起了一阵哄堂大笑。
- Suddenly, the patient raised a shout of pain. 突然病人发出痛苦的叫声。
- A shout of ferventand worshipful praise. 热烈而又崇敬的赞美之声。
- Once more he raised his voice in a shout for help. 他又扯高了嗓门,大声叫着救命。
- Nobody but her gave a shout of surprise. 只有她惊讶地喊了一声。
- You can tell (that) he's angry when he starts shouting a lot. 他什麽时候一大喊大叫,肯定是生气了。
- Raise a shout against her all around. 15你们要四围呐喊攻击她。
- A loud exclamation; a shout or call. 大声呼喊; 呼叫,叫喊
- The people raised a shout of joy. 人们大声喝彩。
- A shout went up from the crowd at the game. 比赛中观众大声叫喊。