- A guy like Brown could shoot his mouth off. 布朗这种人,一谈起来天花乱坠。
- He decided to shoot his way out. 他决定打出去。
- He played ducks and drakes and soon blew up all his wad. 他挥金如土,很快就花光了所有的钱。
- He shot his way through the police cordon. 他开枪射击突破警察的警戒线。
- shoot his wad vi. 花尽钱财(说出想说的话;困过多而大倒胃口;完蛋)
- Maggie: That was a lie. He has been out eating pie and blowing his wad. 麦琪:那是骗人,他吃馅饼把钱都吃光了。
- The gangster steal a gun and shoot his way out of prison. 歹徒偷到一枝枪一路杀出监狱。
- Davy was afraid to shoot his dogs, so he jumped into the ditch. 大卫怕射到他的狗,于是他也跳进水沟里。
- After shooting his wife, he commit suicide in the bedroom. 在开枪打死妻子后,他在卧室自杀。
- "I ain't takin' no orders from you," he said briefly, shifting his wad of tobacco to the other cheek. "我才不听你指使呢,"他顶了一句,把烟顺从嘴的一边倒到另外一边。
- Spielberg's career really took off when he began to shoot his short films. 斯皮尔伯格开始从事短片拍摄时,他的事业真正腾飞了。
- He shot his car into the parking space. 他把车子迅速驶入停车场。
- shot his wad v. 花尽钱财(说出想说的话;困过多而大倒胃口;完蛋)
- He's always shooting his mouth off. 他像个炮筒子。
- Giving him a hot tit wank and letting him shoot his load all over her big tits double plugged. 这位女药师说,毕奥神父暗中与她会面,并且给她一个空瓶,要她在里面装四公克的纯石炭酸。
- Well,suppose you triumph over the other man and shoot his argument full of holes and prove that he is non composmentis. Then what? 假定你辩论胜了对方,把对方的意见,指责得体无完肤,几乎指他是神经错乱,可是结果又怎么样呢?
- Cupid, the Roman god of Love, is often printed on the card, who is winged infant without wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. 罗马神话中的爱神丘比特,是一个不穿衣服、翅膀的婴孩形象,常常印在贺卡上,泰然自若地把箭射中一颗心。
- He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket. 他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱。
- On his 15th birthday he saw his stepfather shoot his stepsister three times, paralyzing her, and survived a murder attempt by the same man. 在他的15岁生日时,他看见他的继父三次蹂躏他的同父异母的妹妹,麻醉她,从同一人所为的一宗谋杀的企图中幸存下来。
- He's always shooting his mouth off about his success with women. 他总是瞎吹他如何能赢得女子芳心。