- She will never come over to our side. 她决不会站到我们这边来。
- The speech did good execution for our side. 这篇讲话对我们这一方大有良好效果。
- The debate was over; our side won the day. 辩论结束了;我方获胜。
- shook our sides v. 捧腹大笑
- shook our sides with laughter v. 捧腹大笑
- Nothing can shake our determination. 什么也动摇不了我们的决心。
- We all couldn't shake our responsibilities. 我们都不能摆脱责任。
- shake our sides vi. 捧腹大笑
- But we have got the truth on our side. 可是真理在我们一边。
- We must gather the people to our side. 我们必须把人民集结在我们身边。
- shake our sides with laughter vi. 捧腹大笑
- After a long debate they all came over to our side. 经过长时间的辩论,他们全站到我们这一边来了。
- His testimony shook our conviction of his innocence. 他的证词动摇了我们认为他是无罪的理念。
- He doffed his stupid ideas and joined our side. 他抛弃了他的愚蠢观念并参加到我们方面来。
- Nothing can shake our assurance that our team will win the game. 什么也无法动摇我队会获胜的信念。
- The clown's antics made us split our sides. 小丑的滑稽动作令我们捧腹大笑。
- However the vastness of the universe should not shake our faith. 然而宇宙的浩大不应该摇动我们的信心。
- The ones on our side faced us as they passed. 在正中的这一边,他们向着我们走来。
- They are hoping to shake our resolve and force us to retreat. 他们希望动摇我们的决心以逼迫我们撤军。
- We failed in winning him over to our side. 我们未能把他争取过来。