- shook our fist at v. 用食指点
- shake our fist at vt. 用食指点
- shaken our fist at v. 用食指点
- He was so angry that he shook his fist at them . 他非常生气,向他挥着拳头表示挑战。
- He shook his fist at the sky in anger. 他生气得向空中挥拳。
- He was so angry that he shook his fist at them. 他非常生气,向他挥着拳头表示挑战。
- He flourished his clenched fist at her. 他对她挥舞握紧的拳头。
- She shook her fist at him, ie as an angry threatening gesture. 她向他挥动拳头.
- The owner of the fishery shook his fist at the fire. 渔场主对着大火挥舞着拳头。
- As he passed through the Cathedral Square, he shook his fist at the church. 在经过天主堂广场时,他狠狠地对着天主堂扬起了拳头。
- Nothing can shake our determination. 什么也动摇不了我们的决心。
- We all couldn't shake our responsibilities. 我们都不能摆脱责任。
- He makes a poor fist at drawing. 他不善于绘画。
- You can imagine me shaking my fist at the screen. 你可以想象我摇摇我的拳头在屏幕上。
- His testimony shook our conviction of his innocence. 他的证词动摇了我们认为他是无罪的理念。
- In response,Beethoven sat straight up,shook his fist at the heavens,and fell back dead,at the age of 57. 受到感应,贝多芬坐了起来,在空中挥舞了一下拳头,躺倒去世了,享年57岁。
- Mike and I looked at each other,shrugged our shoulders and shook our heads in unison. 迈克和我面面相觑,一起耸耸肩摇了摇头。
- In response Beethoven sat straight up,shook his fist at the heavens,and fell back dead, at the age of 57. 受到感应,贝多芬坐了起来,在空中挥舞了一下拳头,躺倒去世了,享年57岁。
- Nothing can shake our assurance that our team will win the game. 什么也无法动摇我队会获胜的信念。
- However the vastness of the universe should not shake our faith. 然而宇宙的浩大不应该摇动我们的信心。